chapter 5

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Your Pov: 

when it was Thursday I did not log in to the OASIS during the day. because I already had to log in tonight because I promised Arty that I would be there in the Distracted Globe. when it was almost 10 PM I put on my headset and logged in, put on some kind of dress I liked and teleported to the dance club.

after walking around for a few minutes I found Parzival surrounded by people. when the people went back to what they were doing I walked his way.

i tapped his shoulder and when he turned around i walked the other way and tapped his other shoulder so he turned around again and saw me.

"Get out of town! Buckaroo Banzai?"

"Huh?" he said confused

 "I like it. I like Buckaroo Banzai." i complimented him

"Oh, thanks!" he said and started smiling

 "You look... Oh. You look awesome!" he said

"Thank you." i said and smiled at him.

eventually Arty joined us too and the three of us walked around.

"The Distracted Globe was one of the first clubs Halliday created in the OASIS. That's common knowledge. But I double-checked and it turns out he started building it right after that moment you showed me." Arty started explaining 

"The date with Kira."

"Right, and she was a serious dancer. Maybe he thought he'd take her here, like on a virtual date." She explained

"As if that ever works." I said to the two.

"So Halliday built it for her?" i asked Arty

"But they never made it past the first date. So Halliday's the creator..." Arty starts

"Who hates his own creation." Z finished

"And the club is the thing he hates." I said

"And "A hidden key, a leap not taken?" I ask

Arty points to the platform from which hundreds of people jump off every evening.

"But people jump off it all night long." Z said

"But none of those people had the Copper Key, so when we jump off, maybe it's different. Right?" Arty said

"Right." Z said.

"So we take it together?" Arty asks us


Arty took Parzival's hand.

"We're not clanning up or anything." she jokes

"Of course not. I don't clan." Z said 

Z grabs my hand before Arty jumped of the platform

"Wait..." I said

"I don't think this is it. No scoreboard, no obstacles." Z said

"Maybe a dance challenge?" Arty said

Arty started dancing while I just watched.because I can't dance.parzival started playing Stayin Alive by the Bee Gees and some sort of platform appeared below him. 

"Old-school!" Arty said and the two of them started dancing randomly to the music. eventually the platforms disappeared and Z took my hand again and Parzival and I started dancing to.

"So, I've been thinking. Maybe it'd be cool if we met up in the real world." he said

"No, you'd be disappointed." I said

Ready Player One X readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon