chapter 4

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your pov:

The next morning I was awakened by a message from Art3mis. Since we received the 1st key yesterday, we have started meeting again. Art3mis has always taken the competition very seriously, so I'm not surprised she wants to meet the hallidays journals to look for a clue to the second challenge.So i started preparing very early in the morning to login to the OASIS


I walked up the stairs to the journals, only to see a lot of people walking around, just like when the contest had just started.maybe it's because the 1st key was found.also there was a whole group completely surrounding a person. I had to look closely before I recognized Parzival. I walked up to the group and people started to recognize me too. before I knew it I was standing next to Parzival and sometimes people would put their arms around my shoulders to take a selfie.all this stuff started to make me feel quite uncomfortable as Parzival just kept smiling the whole time."do you enjoy the fame so much?" I asked and he just smiled at me like nothing is wrong. Suddenly I am grabbed by my arm and so is Parzival and we are pulled along, with a big monstrous looking avatar. "Watch it!" I yelled trying to get my arm free

"You're both famous now! You can't just go wherever you want!" it said back 

"No, no, no, I..." Parzival stammers. 

it took us and pushed us into a little sort of room.the avatar was standing in front of us and suddenly something came out of that thing's belly and cut open the disguise to show Art3mis behind it."what the hell, Arty." i yelled at her"That's... That's not funny." said Parzival"Oh my God. Don't you get it?" she said"you are famous now, you have to have a disguise."

after a while the 3 of us walked to the Curator. The Curater led us to a clip playing in Halliday and Ogden Morrow's office."This is right before the OASIS goes live." I said"Six days prior. December 2nd, 2025." explained the Curator"Check this out. You know who that is?" Parzival asked us"Is that Sorrento?" said Arty."what was that idiot doing there?" I asked
"Sorrento started as an intern. He claims he learned at the feet of the master. That's how he convinced IOI to create the Sixers for him, his Halliday knowledge. But ask Ogden Morrow?He says the only thing Sorrento actually knew about Halliday was how he liked his coffee." Parzival explained
"Can you fast-forward to the stuff about Halliday's date?" Parzival asked the Curator"

What? Halliday actually went on a date?" Arty asked us. I shrugged.
During the clip, halliday and ogden morrow were talking about halliday's date. until halliday said the name Karen Underwood.
"No, no. Karen Underwood, as in Ogden Morrow's wife?" I said"
Just watch." said Parzival

"Halliday went on a date with Ogden Morrow's wife?" I ask
"Just once, years before they were even married, but yeah.And despite that, and the fact that she died, the name "Kira" is only mentioned once in all of Halliday's Journals." Parzival explains
"That's not possible." Said Curater
"It's. Look it up. What we just saw is the only time she's ever mentioned." Said Parzival back.

"It makes no sense. She was an important part of both their lives." Said curater
"I'll bet you anything. All my coin."

"Halliday purposely removed every mention of her except for this one." Parzival said
"That's weird. why?" I asked
"It's like, it was just so painful for him to have to see her face or hear her name.Well, he loved her.He couldn't tell that to Morrow."
"Oh, that's sad. He should have told her how he felt." Said Arty
"Yeah, well, he missed his chance." I stated and continued watching.
"look.I found the clue to the race in the other scene, but...I've always felt that the biggest clue to the contest was hidden here." Parzival told us
"You're right.I lose." curator said to parzival.
"Don't sweat it, Curator.
You see, Kira is the Rosebud at the center of his story. She's the big mystery." Parzival explained
"No, no. A bet is a bet." Said Curater and thew a coin towards parzival.
"Oh, wow. A quarter. You can keep it." Parzival said and threw the coin back at the curator.
"no. You can keep it." Curator said and threw it to parzival again but Arty caught it.

"You free Thursday?" Arty asks parzival
"Who, me?" He said confused
"No, him." Arty said and Both parzival and the curator turned around.
"Oh my God. Yes, you! You know The Distracted Globe?" She asks
"Yeah, the dance club.Meet me there. 10:00 p.m. you are coming to (G/T).
"What, why am I coming to?!" I yelled at her

"There's something I wanna show you two." Arty said and walked of dragging me with her.
"Uh, bye-bye!" I could hear Parzival yell to us.

Arty dragged me out the journals.
"Arty why did I have to come to?" I ask her.
"Because your my best friend and because it's fun." She said
"But there is no challenge there if you think that. Hundreds of people go there everyday." I said.
"Just relax I will see you there on Thursday, Okay?" She asked me
"...fine" I said and she logged out afterwards.

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