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✎Author's Note✎

I'm gonna try and finish Season 1 by the end of the week.

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Few Days Later

Nya and Sensei Wu had successfully treated [Y/n's] wounds. They had bandages on their hands and feet, and they were regularly drinking water every hour to help their sore throat. It was sunset, and everyone was gathered around a camp fire and eating. [Y/n] however, was asleep and cuddled up on Kai's lap. Ever since the poor child was once again traumatized, they've refused to leave Kai's side. Jay took a bite out of his food and immediately gagged and threw it into a bucket several feet away. "Y-Yeah! S-Score!" Jay praised himself while stuttering due to how cold it was.

"Remember, we must be thankful for what we still have." Sensei Wu told the group of teenagers. "What do we have? Our home is gone." Cole turned to look at his Sensei with a pained expression. "You know? I don't miss our home. What I really miss, is Zane." Kai spoke up, looking down at the sleeping child in his lap with a frown on his face. "Yeah... I miss Zane." Jay agreed with his brother. "Zane?" Nya asked, her blue eyes trailing away from the group. "Yeah. Zane, You know the Ninja? The strange one?" Jay began to make hand gestures towards Nya. "No!" Nya shook her head at him. "Zane!" Nya then pointed towards the direction she was just looking at. "Zane!" Everyone shouted together after following Nya's finger to see Zane walking towards the group.

All of them stood up and began to walk towards Zane. Kai carefully readjusting [Y/n's] sleeping position as to not wake them up. Kai was now holding the child on his left hip bone, [Y/n's] legs dangling on either side of Kai's torso, their left arm drooped around his shoulders and their right arm dangling to their side, their head was resting on his left shoulder. Jay let out a quick sigh of relief before he began to apologize. "Zane, we're so sorry for everything we said. We're a team, and that means we're all responsible." Zane smiled at the group. "You don't need to apologize to me." Zane reassured everyone. "But what about all those awful things we said? Isn't that why you left?" Kai spoke up, looking at Zane with a saddened expression.

"No, of course not. I saw the falcon again and I followed it." Zane explained to them. "That's our Zane." Cole smiled wide while looking at Kai. "We're happy to have you back." Nya said as everyone walked forward to give Zane a giant group hug. "Why? Is it my turn to make dinner?" Zane asked making everyone laugh, a laugh everyone needed. "Yes Zane, we would love for you to make dinner." Sensei Wu said. "But I already made it. Come, I want to show you what I found. I think you will all be pleased." Zane turned around and began to lead everyone down the path he came from.

The group spent around another thirty minutes walking before Zane turned around to look at them. "I can't explain it, but I feel a strange connection with the falcon. I think he's trying to help show us the path we need to take." Zane voiced his thoughts to everyone before continuing to walk. After rounding a huge rock they all gazed upon a ship resting in the distance. "Our new home." Zane said, everyone began to gasp and stare in awe. "Do I smell pie?" Jay asked, sniffing the air. The group then began to rush off towards the ship to eat Zane's delicious cooking.

Once entering the ship, Kai gently shook [Y/n] awake. "Hey, Zane's back! And he made pie, do you want some?" Kai asked after letting the child rub the sleep from their eyes. "Zane... Pie... Yummy pie." [Y/n] mumbled out making Kai laugh, leading the child towards the others and getting them a plate of food and pie. "Welcome home... Zane." [Y/n] smiled up at Zane with a sleepy face, hugging the tallers waist. "Thank you, [Y/n]." Zane hugged the child back.

𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐘~ 𝗅𝖾𝗀𝗈 𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗃𝖺𝗀𝗈 𝗑 𝗀𝗇 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋Where stories live. Discover now