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✎Author's Note✎

I will be using They/Them pronouns for [Y/N]. [Y/N's] gender is not specified, meaning you, as the reader, can decide if [Y/N] is non-binary, boy, or a girl.

That goes without saying, any gender can read this book!

Also, this is my very first x reader book, so please bare with me!

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[Y/n] was wondering throughout Jamanakai Village. They were supposed to be with their Clan but they ran away. [Y/n] let out a small sigh as they thought about how mad their father would be when they got back to the [L/n] Estate. [Y/n] looked up at the sky, letting their thoughts cloud with a familiar face. "I wonder what Lloyd is doing..." [Y/n] smiled softly at the thought of their friend, but it quickly faded.

"Stupid Darkly's." [Y/n] grumbled, now glaring at the ground. [Y/n] knew how badly the other kids treated Lloyd. [Y/n] tried to beg and plead with their father to let Lloyd become a Clan member so he wouldn't have to stay at Darkly's anymore. But [Y/n's] efforts were in vain, their father was strict and old fashioned when it came to the Clan and it's rules. Their father would never allow Lloyd, the son of Garmadon anywhere near the [L/n] Estate. [Y/n] shook his head, ridding of their negative thoughts. They turned around to continue walking but ended up bumping into someone.

[Y/n] stumbled backwards before looking up at the woman they bumped into. [Y/n's] mouth was slightly agape as they admired the pretty lady dressed in red. She had a bob cut and beautiful blue eyes, she wore very light makeup that complimented her skin tone. After realizing that they've been staring for too long, [Y/n] bowed. "Excuse me, I'm sorry for bumping into you!" [Y/n] apologized with a soft blush on their cheeks. "It's alright. No need to apologize." The pretty lady reassured the bowing child. [Y/n] stopped bowing and shyly looked up at the pretty lady. "My name is [Y/n] [L/n], it's nice to meet you." [Y/n] introduced themselves.

"Cute name. My name is Nya Smith. It's nice to meet you too." Nya complemented [Y/n's] name making the child blush once again. Nya observed the child, they wore a pretty elegant Hanfu, perhaps this child came from a very prestigious Clan? Nya was going to say something to the child when screams were heard. Nya and [Y/n] watched as snake people began to hypnotize the other villagers. Nya quickly grabbed [Y/n] and dragged them to hide, she used her body to shield the child. [Y/n] peeked over Nya's shoulder and spotted a very familiar boy. Lloyd Garmadon. Their best friend.

"Thisss makesss no sssince, General. Raiding an entire town for sssweets?" A snake questioned his General. "You will do as I command!" The snake General sharply tuned around to point a finger at the other snake. "Because I hold the staff!" The General held up a golden serpent staff. Villagers ran around screaming as Lloyd rolled around a barrel of candy. "I'm never coming down from this sugar high!" Lloyd cheered, throwing his hands in the air. However, his cheering cane to a halt as four Ninja landed in front of him. "Sorry to bust your buzz, Little Garmadon." The ninja in black said. "But it's already past your bedtime." The one in blue finished.

Lloyd turned around and shouted. "Get them!" The snake General started to rattle his tail, ordering his snakes and hypnotized villagers to attack the Ninja. "The serpentine? They're real?" Kai questioned in disbelief. The four Ninja all got into a fighting stance as they began to get surrounded by Serpentine and Villagers. "The whole village has been hypnotized!" Cole exclaimed. Jay took out his nun hucks and was getting ready to use them when Zane grabbed his arm to stop him. "Our weapons are too unstable. We could do more harm than good." Zane told him. "Well I guess that leaves us with one option... Run!" Jay screamed as he and the other Ninja jumped away and made a run for it.

Nya turned around to look at [Y/n]. "Come here." Nya picked up the small child and began to run after the Ninja, skillfully keeping up with no problem at all. "Nya! You're okay." Kai and Jay were relieved at the sight of the girl. "Barely. They've hypnotized everyone in town." Nya told them, placing [Y/n] back on their own two feet as she subtly checked to see if the child was alright. "Mind control? How is this possible?" Jay asked. "Their tales. When you hear them rattle their tails, don't look them in the eyes. That's how they hypnotize people." [Y/n] spoke up making the four Ninja acknowledge their presence.

"Nya? Who's kid is this?" Kai asked. "This is [Y/n], a child I bumped into before the Serpentine arrived." Nya explained. "Great. We got a stowaway, now." Kai mumbled to himself. "So what are we supposed to do? We can't use our weapons! And now we have to fight with our eyes closed? Hah! Perfect." Jay ranted, obviously irritated at the current situation. "The snake with the staff is the General. He's the one in charge. If we can get the staff from him, it holds the anti-venom. If we get that, we can save everyone." Nya explained to the four. "Look guys, forget about the whole Green Ninja thing. Let's make Sensei Wu proud. The four of us, we're a team." Kai declared. "Now you're talking!" Cole exclaimed. "And Nya, you can be our honorary member." Jay told the girl. "Geee... Thanks." Nya scowled, crossing her arms.

The four Ninja then left. [Y/n] grabbed Nya's hand making her look down at them. "Will they hurt Lloyd? Lloyd is my friend, please don't let them hurt him." [Y/n] gazed up at Nya, worried for their friend. Nya crouched down to match [Y/n's] height. "Don't worry, I won't let them." Nya gave the child a soft and gentle pat on their head. "Thank you." [Y/n] blushed. "Come on. Stay close." Nya told them as she held their hand as the two followed after the Ninja. After catching up, Nya spotted Cole, who was about to be hypnotized. Nya shouted his name to gain his attention as she ran up and kicked the snake in the face. [Y/n] watched in amazement at the girl's bravery and strength. "She's so awesome!" [Y/n] gushed, admiring the pretty lady.

Nya turned around to see Cole walking away with the staff. "Cole! You have the anti-venom!" She shouted, snapping Cole out his trance like state. "My golly, you're right." Cole said. "Quick! The fountain!" Nya pointed at the fountain that was centered in the middle of the village. "Good idea." Cole said as he ran up the fountain and placed the staff in the water. Mist had started to overflow out of the fountain as people began to turn back to normal. Kai took the staff and walked towards Sensei Wu. "Sorry, Sensei. If we dealt with Lloyd before he became a problem... None of this would've been necessary." Kai said with a dejected look on his face. "Lessons learned the hard way, are lessons learned. Hmm... Great evil has been released. I fear troubling times will come. This was only the beginning." Sensei Wu said.

"Then, we will train. And be ready for the Serpentine." Zane walked up to the two. "It may not be Lord Garmadon. But that doesn't mean we won't bring our A-game." Cole stated, joining in on the conversation. "Help us train. Help us realize our potential." Kai said. "Yeah. Help teach us the secrets behind the weapons of Spinjitzu." Jay added in. "Hmm... There is much to teach. We must return to the Monastery." Sensei Wu said before turning his attention towards the small child hiding behind Nya.

Sensei Wu gently smiled at the young child. "Young [Prince/Princess/Highness] you are a long ways from home." The four Ninja turned to look at [Y/n] who came out from behind Nya. "Wait! This kid is royalty?!" Jay asked. "Yes. Young [Y/n] comes from a very powerful and prestigious Clan." Sensei Wu hummed, gazing at the child. "So, tell me young [Prince/Princess/Royal], why are you here?" Sensei Wu asked. "I ran away." [Y/n] quietly said, playing with the sleeves of their Hanfu. "And why would you do that?" [Y/n] puffed out their cheeks while glaring at the ground. "Because Papa was being mean again." [Y/n] grumbled. "And?" Sensei Wu pressed further. "And because I wanted to see Lloyd." Sensei Wu grabbed [Y/n's] smaller hands. "Thank you for being honest. Now, we shall we get you back home tomorrow morning. I'm sure your father is in a frenzy looking for you." Sensei Wu lead the group out of Jamanakai village.

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