Chapter 9: Operation Humanity Sentinel

Start from the beginning

Type 76 MBT

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Type 76 MBT

He glances to his right at the makeshift runway for the Assault Seagulls. He can see that damned silhouette of the green marine armor painted with red streaks. The armor looked back at him, both sides nodded and continued their duty. He smiled.

"All units, roll out!" – Maj. Eugen

The tanks and aircraft begin to roll out from the FOB Gim. They are carrying the soldiers of the combined Japanese and Qua Toynian Army for the joint operation. In the sky above, the fighters from Shizuhama fly past them. As per the plan, ten minutes after the main attack force left the base, the artillery opened fire.

"Good! All unit, Feuer!" – Maj. Eugen

*Boooom booooom booooom boooom boooom!*

The Qua Toynian guarding the Gim wall looks on with awes. Some take out their cameras and begin recording. This is the first time they have ever seen such a massive barrage from the Japanese Artillery. Sure, at Shizuhama Joint Base, there is occasional joint training between the Qua Toyne Army and Japan Cosmos Marine that involves the artillery. They have seen the artillery fires many times, but never on this large scale. Cheers erupted on the wall of Gim when the Qua Toynian soldiers look at the angry artillery emplacement. They also cheer on their comrades who are chosen to accompany the Japanese in this Joint Operation, and of course, for the Japanese.

This is the end of the road for Louria. Suddenly, over the intercom, a song in Vietnamese is put on by the 13th. It's their division's anthem: the Forever Marching Song. And all Red Stars' voices can be heard. The soldiers of the 31st are also singing that song in their language together with their comrades.

"Our lives are a marching song,

Our lives are a fighter's song.

We sing aloud for eternity,

Flying over the mountain, to the frontiers, and distant islands.

Forever our hearts shall sing,

The song of the soldiers.

Forever our hearts shall sing,

The army marching song.

Although love roses,

Enemies forced us to pick up the gun.

How we love our hometown and motherland,

Our Patriotism soars up into the sound of the Marching song.

Forever our hearts shall sing,

The song of the soldiers.

Forever our hearts shall sing,

The eternal marching song."

Outside of Los Palmas, Qua Toyne

The Lourian army is matching on a wide open plain. The standard bearer holds his Aquila proudly on his horse. Sixty thousand soldiers and calvary of the Lourian Eastern Subjugation Army are marching in a uniform formation, supported by 48 wyverns reinforced from Jin Hark. It's truly a sight to behold, any historians would love to see them marching. The sky is as clear as the eye can see, and the weather is calm with slow winds blowing across the plain.

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