Chapter - 11

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"Isn't that way too much strange?" George asked. "Like literally, if it would've been someone else, some talking would be there right?" He sat in his regular table during recess with a tray of food.

30 days and 30 nights in his new home made him quite familiar with the surroundings. One month in and he was already acting as if he was in that school for years or so. Karl, Nick and Alex always sat with him, and Nick grabbed for a soda.

"Don't use your braincells, man," Alex groaned. "Use your logic, who wants to be the next target for a bully anyway?" Well, that does makes sense though...

"Hey, look, Joes is letting Harold eat with everyone." Karl pointed out at Harold, who was eating with some other boys in another table on the other side of the room. "But I can't see Clay anywhere in here."

"Well, He could've been in bigger trouble if he had showed some more attitude..." Commented Nick.

"Does he bullies you guys as well?" Asked George concerned. Alex snorted.

"No possible way, He's our friend dude, and you expect us to laugh at him in the court?" Nick replied.

"And what news was he talking about?" asked the latter, which he thought was the main question in the whole discussion. George wanted to know it so badly, he's quite curious you see and he somehow felt affection and pity for this bully named Clay. The other 3, meanwhile, stopped eating and looked at each other, "Should we tell him or what?" Asked Karl to them. Nick sighed and spoke.

"Rumours have it that Clay was seen snooping around the principal's office during the school fest we were having here 2 months before you came... Clay believes that Harold was the first one who started this rumour."

"Why was he snooping around?"

"Well, people say that the principal has maintained special files of specific students who are disruptive in class, and Clay may be one of them."

Now Karl too joined in the conversation. "Many conclude it as rubbish because what would the principal do with all these files? They even said the principal may send such students to Juvie, that is juvenile jail... I don't about that one though, just the people who believe it."


" And you know what? Who ever believes this are brain-damaged. The principal is wild but not that wild, man. But its just a rumour, not even clarified yet..." Alex added.

"You think Clay might do such things?" Asked George.

Nick shook his head. "He was with us the whole time. How can he be out of sight without any of us knowing?"

"Clay can be a bully, disruptive but he's quite trustworthy only if you trust him..." Karl said.

"And what about Harold? Is he correct though?"

"No way, that idiot is D-U-M, dumb. Always been one since the beginning anyway." Alex scoffed.

"But he hasn't done anything disruptive yet or done anything like that in this one month." stated George.

"Yeah, he hasn't," Nick agreed. "But he does it whenever he wants to. Quite unpredictable, you see... One time he hacked the school website, played pranks on teachers," Then he leaned close to the table and whispered. "He even stole a question paper without a soul knowing." George jerked away from him and looked at the other three wide-eyed, who nodded.

"Sounds crazy." Muttered George. "Is he some sort of computer science guy or what?"

"Don't know about that but I'm pretty sure he knows some of it though." Said Karl.

"Then how is he not suspended yet?" George was incredulous.

"That's cuz, most of his deeds are not known to any of the teachers or to the principal as well either." Alex summed up.

Their talk in the cafeteria was suddenly interrupted by by loud, beeping noises of the fire alarm.

The bully and me // DNF fanfic // (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now