13. ranrok's legacy.

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{trigger warnings: strong language}

So far everything in my 6th year had felt relatively normal for teenagers my age, that was up until I heard mention of a name i'd hoped to forget. I seethed with rage at the sound of him. The one behind it all.


A shiver shot down mr spine as anger began to build inside of me. Ranrok, the goblin who murdered his own brother in cold blood. The one who slaughtered many and attempted to steal the repositories for himself. The true perpetrator who ultimately caused Professor Fig's demise.

I still despised him with my entire being and nothing would ever change that. Amber ran through my body, filling my veins with the urge for vengeance, even if Ranrok was long gone.

I stormed my way over to the student who mentioned that cursed name.

"What about Ranrok?" I questioned, my voice laced with anger.

"I- Uh.. Just some goblins... talking about continuing... his work..?" The student stuttered, not knowing what to say.

I punched my hand against a painting in the hallway, walking away towards the Slytherin common room. Muttering the password as my fists remained clenched, my nails breaking the skin on my palm, causing blood to deep through the crescent moon shaped cuts.

My feet carried me towards to dorm room and I changed out of robes and into a more appropriate outfit for the issue I was about to face.

* * *

After i'd finished getting changed, I made my way towards the area in the forbidden forest where the loyalists were located, I approached with caution as I grabbed my wand and held it in my palm, ready to fight till the end.

I made my way into the camp and began casting countless spells, killing all but one.

Confringo, expelliarmus, incendio, bombarda and diffindo. along with other spells in between.

I walked towards the last goblin and crouched down towards him "what are you planning?"

The goblin spat and remained silent, simply refusing to explain their motives.

"Don't make me cast the cruciatus curse on you." I spoke, growling slightly as I stared him dead in the eyes.

The goblin scoffed and rolled his eyes, still sticking by his decision of silence.

I sighed as I cast a few spells, killing the goblin. Before slapping my hand against my head in frustration, still non the wiser about what they were plotting.

My body rested in one of the tents for a while until I had regained my composure, before I knew it, I was eager to continue searching for answers even thought I knew I shouldn't get involved.

                     *            *           *

I found myself wandering aimlessly, searching for any signs of loyalist camps. I managed to stumble across 3 individual camps, non of them resulting in answers. Until I came upon the 4th.

After taking out majority of the goblins, I managed to get one who would speak. The goblin knew there was no way he was getting out of this alive, so what more did he have to lose.

"We're returning to the last repository. One of Ranrok's descendants has managed to get a hold of some magic, they're planning to use it to wipe out wizard kind. Starting with you." The goblin spoke, anger radiating from him.

I nodded "thankyou, you were very helpful" were the only thing I managed to say before I killed the goblin and made my way back to Hogwarts.

                     *             *            *

As soon as I returned, I ran to where I knew both Ominis and Sebastian would be. And as much as I wanted to stay away from Sebastian, he deserved to know. I grabbed their wrists and pulled them both towards my dorm, locking the door behind us.

Sebastian glared at Ominis as the three of us remained in silence.

"Vi what's going on?" Ominis broke the silence, curious as to why I brought Sebastian.

I took a deep breath before explaining to them what i'd been doing all day and what the goblin had said. I could tell by the look on Ominis' face that he was disappointed in me. Whereas Sebastian was clearly seething with rage.

I looked down before walking towards Ominis and wrapping my arms around him "I promise I didn't use any unforgivable curses" I spoke, assuring him that I kept my word.

He nodded and returned my embrace "thank you for sticking to your promise.." was all he said before placing a soft kiss on my head and leaving the room, meaning only me and Sebastian were left.

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