10. late arrivals.

148 5 0

{trigger warnings: slight violence}

I stood in the shower, letting the water soak my hair and trickle down my lightly tanned skin.

Last night was my own personal slice of heaven, me and Ominis alone with nothing but each other and the water crashing against our naked bodies.

Proceeding to turn the shower off and step out, wrapping the towel around my small body, sighing as I missed the feeling of his touch against my wet skin.

I partially dried my hair and brushed my teeth, before getting dressed into my robes. I styled my damp hair in a messy bun and opened a window to de-steam the mirrors.

I made my way towards the great hall for breakfast as I had heard that Headmaster Black had an important message for the entirety of the school. I walked over to the Slytherin table and sat down next to Ominis, smiling as he rested his hand on my inner thigh.

"Good morning Ominis" I spoke as I placed my hand on top of his, circling his knuckles with my thumb.

"Morning Viola" he returned my smile as he chuckled, running his free hand through his neatly styled hair.

I was waiting for the food to appear on the table when Headmaster Black took the stand on the podium, his voice booming through the hall.

"I, as you all should know. Am Phineas Nigellus Black, Headmaster here at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. I would like to announce that there are a few transfers from Beauxbatons who will be joining us from now on. I expect you all to make them feel welcome and treat them as they are part of the Hogwarts family. That is all, now eat."

Ominis scoffed as he turned his head towards the table, grabbing a piece of food as soon as it appeared. I copied and grabbed some food before placing it on my silverware plate, eating it slowly.

3 new transfers made their way over to our table, and sat in any available seat they could find. 2 girls and 1 boy, Imelda had seemingly already taken a liking to the boy.

I wasn't going to deny that he was an attractive guy, but I wasn't interested in the slightest, I was already spoken for and had no intention of changing that.

The unknown boy leaned in towards the table and looked over in my direction before reaching his hand out "I'm Percy" he spoke, his voice full of confidence.

I hesitated but eventually I reached my hand out and shaked his "Viola." Was all I said, not really interested in making conversation with him.

Imelda rolled her eyes before turning her head towards Percy "she's Viola Ramsey, and i'm Imelda Reyes." She spoke, obviously trying to steal the attention.

I turned my head towards the 2 new girls who were both laughing and talking with other students already.

The blonde girl spoke "Hi! I'm Sloane!" her voice was high pitched and she seemed very excitable.

Then the brunette spoke "Delilah." She seemed more like me, straight to the point and not over hyper.

"I'm Viola" I spoke, forcing a small smile as I then proceeded to introduce Ominis.

He nodded, not really paying much attention.

Me and the new girls spoke for a few minutes before I stood up, placing my hand on Ominis' shoulder, hinting for him that it was time for class.

Ominis stood up, linking his arm around mine as I waved goodbye to the others. Percy's eyes remained on my the entire time, and it almost seemed as though he was scowling at Ominis.

I rolled my eyes and left the room with Ominis, I walked him towards his lesson and placed a soft kiss on his cheek before leaving and heading towards my beasts class.

* * *

As soon as I arrived I saw Poppy, my face lit up. Poppy had always been one of my best-friends since I first met her during my sixth year.

She waved at me excitedly as she began talking about how she'd been and seen Highwing recently. Her face brightened everytime she mentioned her.

I laughed, telling her about how Highwing had just had a baby, and her face lit up even brighter than before.

"I have to meet the baby!" Poppy squealed excitedly.

"Of course Poppy" I spoke, knowing that there was no way she would let this go now that she knew of the babies existence.

We continued talking about beasts up until the new boy walked over to us and started invading our conversation.

"Hello ladies" Percy spoke, his voice sending a shiver down my spine from his arrogance.

Poppy started laughing and I simply just rolled my eyes.

Percy clearly didn't appreciate the mocking of his introduction "Look, i'm trying to be nice and you're being a bitch." He spat before pushing me backwards in frustration.

I stumbled backwards and felt a sharp pain protrude my head as it collided with a rock on the ground.

"I-I didn't mean to!" Percy spoke, his voice now full of panic as he realised what he had done. He immediately turned around and bolted.

"Poppy? Find.. Omin-" I spoke as my sight began to grow blurry until everything just faded to black.

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