7. confrontation.

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{trigger warnings: explicit language}

A week had passed since the annual dance at Hogwarts, and everything seemed to be going smoothly, which was quite unusual considering my track record.

Me and Ominis had been spending every waking moment with each other, and it seemed as though we couldn't ever get enough.

When we were together, was almost as if all the troubles of the world simply faded away, and nothing mattered anymore, except us.

I had continued to avoid Sebastian like the plague ever since he kissed me without my consent. I had seen him loitering through the halls every now and then, and I shared a few lessons with him, but he never attempted to speak to me or explain himself further. That was, until today.

I began making my way towards my next lesson, when Sebastian grabbed my wrist and pulled me into an empty classroom.

"Sebastian?! What are you doing?" I spoke, my voice laced with panic at the thought of what he would do now he'd gotten me alone.

Sebastian placed his hand over my mouth and shushed me quietly "listen, I just want to talk." He spoke, his voice was desperate yet calm, giving no signs of anything to worry about.

I sighed and nodded hesitantly. Feeling his hand move away from my mouth. I took a deep breath. "What's so important you had to abduct me?"

"Anne. She's took a turn for the worse, I need your help to find something to save her." He spoke, his voice full of pain and disappointment.

"Sebastian, I told you i'm not getting involved in the dark arts anymore. I promised Ominis." I sighed, knowing full well there was nothing that could be done.

"You should've took that fucking magic, then you could've took her pain. Just because you decided to be a selfish bitch!" He spat at me, opening the door and storming out of the room, slamming the door aggressively behind him.

My eyes began to fill with tears as I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down before walking out of the room and towards my potions lesson, knowing full well that Ominis would be there.

I ran into the room, checking that me and him were the only ones who were there before grabbing him by the arm and pulling him into the storage closet in the classroom.

My arms wrapped around him quickly as I released a few sniffles, I explained to him what had happened with Sebastian and everything that he had said to me.

His fists clenched and sighed softly "don't listen to a word he says, he's just upset right now" Ominis spoke as he ran his fingers across my jaw.

I forced a small smile before nodding, the two of us walking back into the classroom and waiting for Professor Sharp to start the lesson.

The lesson started and I stood next to Ominis at our potion station and I weighed out the measurements of ingredients and placed them on the desk in the usual places where they would be. I knew he was more than capable of making it by himself, I just had to weigh out and get the ingredients ready for him, then he could do the rest.

Always watching him as he made the potion that Professor Sharp had instructed, Wiggenweld potion, a smile healing potion. The smile growing on my face the entire time, the look on his face when he concentrated, sticking his tongue out to the side slightly.

He chuckled as he could sense my eyes on him "enjoying the view?" he smirked as he turned his head towards my direction.

"Always" I spoke as my hand made its way on top of his, slowly circling my thumb over his knuckles.

And it was in this moment that I knew, this was the person I wanted for the rest of my life, this was the person who I wanted to grow old with, have a family with. I'd been in love with him for so long, and now I could finally call him mine.

Looking at him and spending time with him, was the only thing that actually made my days worth a damn. He was the only person who truly understood me, who stood by me no matter how bad things got, no matter how much he hated my decisions, he never left my side no matter how much i'm sure he considered it. And for that, I would be forever grateful.

* * *

It was evening time, I sat at the dining table with the rest of the Slytherins. Imelda sat staring at me, making smug remarks as Ominis and I spoke about anything and everything.

"You're so cute, it's going to make me vomit." She laughed as she mimicked a vomiting motion before rolling her eyes in annoyance.

I looked around, searching for Sebastian, scared he would show up. But there was no sign of him, almost as if he'd just left after what he said to me. Not that I was complaining, but I did care about Anne, I do care. I truly was worried for her and that's when I decided I was going to visit her, I knew there was nothing I could do, not without taking her pain, but the risk that accompanied that was to great.

The question was, am I willing to take that risk? The risk that I could become evil, all to save her.

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