-OC: Frances-

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Name: Frances Swift

Alias (If any): Cece

Age at death: 18

Best Friend: Alastor

Species: Sinner

Sins: Manipulation, Willingly harming others


Backstory (Optional):

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Backstory (Optional):

She grew up in a very wealthy family of assassins. They trained her to ki11 from a young age though she never liked the idea.

She went on to become an assassin, just like her family and killed many men, mostly by attending parties and following them when they went off alone.

She hated ki11ing but it's all she knew. And her family would have her ki11ed if she didn't so as she wouldn't tell anyone so she had no choice.

She was soon sent to ki11 a man at a party, however he was only a year or two older than her and she couldn't bring herself to kill him. However, he knew of her plan to ki11 him and he tricked her into trusting him, only for him to ki11 her instead.

Because of how many she'd ki11ed in life she was pretty well known in he11 and was actually friends with Alastor, so when he summoned Niffty and Husk to the hotel, he summoned her too. At first she simply did her work, her job basically being to help out around the hotel.

She also had a habit of going off and doing whatever she wanted, not really caring for being told what to do. Her motto being "I'll do what I want 'cause I can."

The pistol she carries around now is real, however she doesn't use it, just keeping it on her as an intimidation tactic in case anyone tries to start anything or cause problems for the hotel (Unless it's Alastor causing the trouble, then she just let's him because she finds it funny).

Eventually she is rehabilitated and goes to heaven.

Personality: She is mostly sweet, albeit remorseful for her actions in life. She can be a bit reckless, and despite wanting to be a better person, she will shoot you if you p*ss her off. She is surprisingly cheerful other than that and likes trying to help others. She also likes to do whatever she wants. She is secretly a musical theatre nerd who hated ki11ing people.

(Frances, at the tiniest threat: Ah yes, I can see your point. Counterpoint *points pistol at them* I have a gun)

Do they get rehabilitated in the future?: Yes

Theme song: 

Neomaria Of The Inverted Gravestone 


'Cuz I Can by P!nk


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