Chapter 13: Another Unforeseen Problem

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Chapter 13: Another Unforeseen Problem

Namikaze Naruto. Images of the blonde enigma flashed in and out of the mind of one Hyuga Hinata. Ever since that one day when she was three and was kidnapped by Kumo, something had been tugging at her mind. If there was anything she remembered about that night, it was the deep blue eyes of the mysterious masked ninja that had saved her from Kumo's hand. She knew she had seen them before, but the answer didn't come until a few years later, when she was saved again by a boy with the same exact eyes as that one night. That boy just so happened to be Namikaze Naruto. She didn't know how to explain it, but she could just tell…

One the outside, he seemed like a happy, cheerful son of the Hokage, not a worry in his life. But through his eyes, she saw a much different person. The soul that had made its home in Naruto's body knew the pain and suffering associated with great losses, something she knew from the untimely death of the mother she loved dearly. But the odd thing was that whenever she looked towards the blonde miniature-Hokage, for some reason she could feel herself being drawn to the boy. This one person had been the cause of so many recent dreams for the young Hyuga. Who was Namikaze Naruto? And why did she feel like she was drawn to him?

For the past few days, she had found herself worried about the blonde. Like everyone else in Konoha, she had heard about the Uchiha Massacre, but was even more shocked to realize that Naruto had been at the scene while it took place. The horrors he must have seen…no wonder he hadn't come to school for a few days.

Hinata was pulled out of her thoughts as she realized that it was, in fact, time to go to school. Making her way out of the house, she passed her father who was enjoying his own breakfast. "Hinata" Hiashi spoke with an emotionless and neutral tone. "After school today, you will be sparring with one of the elders to evaluate your current skills. I hope you will not disappoint me."

Hinata hesitated for a moment. The spars with the clan elders were always harsh and it was as if they were trying to show her just how worthless she was. Hinata knew she wasn't liked by the clan. They saw her as a kind and gentle soul, weak by their standards and not fit for the title of clan heiress. Normally, these spars went something along the lines where the elder she was sparing was ruthless, completely forgetting the fact that she was still a child and in the academy. Sadly for her, her father was still stuck in the old ways of the clan and was nearly as strict as the elders themselves when it came to training.

The young Hyuga said nothing as she made her way to the academy. Hopefully something, or someone, would cheer her up and not make this day a complete disappointment for her. Seeing as she just wanted to get away from the Hyuga compound, Hinata had actually arrived at the academy relatively early, while everyone was still outside enjoying the late spring weather before classes started. Still, she kind of just wanted to be alone so she made her way into the classroom.

"Wait! Stop!" shouted a familiar voice as she took a step inside the room. Before she knew it, someone had yanked her out of the way of what appeared to be a flying tomato. Unfortunately, said person ended up tripping over the steps in the room, taker with them as they tumbled down the stairs.

As the Hyuga girl was able to regain her bearings, she saw that she was now laying across something orange.

"Ouch. That really hurt, -ttebayo!" said the person in question.

Apart from the orange and the verbal tick, it didn't take Hinata too long to register who it was she had landed atop and it took even quicker to jump back, turn about as red as the tomato that had nearly pegged her, and try her best to become one with the wall behind her.

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