Chapter 3: First Words, First steps, and First Ramen

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Minato sighed. "Why did I even take this job again?" he asked no one in particular, except maybe the baby next to him.

Two months had passed since that day, the day Naruto traveled back to the past and the day he saved his parents.

Naruto was in the Hokage's office while his dad was working on the mountain of paperwork that was sitting on his desk, a lot of it doing with Kumogakure.

Konohagakure and Kumogakure were no longer at war any more, the war between them having ended around a year ago.

However, that didn't mean that tensions were high between the two shinobi villages.

The Third Shinobi World War was coming to a close with Iwagakure pulling out of any military advances, mainly due to the actions of a particular blonde Leaf ninja, and rumors were circulating around the nations that Kirigakure was planning on doing the same.

This is usually how wars on the scale of Shinobi World Wars ended, very anticlimactic.

At the beginning, there was much anxiety amongst all nations with every nation dispatching their shinobi with the hopes of conquering one of the villages. However, as time passed, villages would cut back on the amount of offensive assaults they would carry out and switch to a more defensive position.

This was due to many possible reasons. One, a village was beginning to lose numbers as casualties of war increased. This was the case with Iwa's change in tactics. Second, a village could find themselves under heavy assault and they could not afford to send their resources out on offensive endeavors. This was also another reason why Iwa began to pull out. Third, was internal struggle.

This was the reason Kiri pulled out of the war as they were now in the middle of a civil war that looked like it was going to be long and bloody. The final reason was that a country began to lose sight in to why they were at war or their main objective was complete.

This was Konoha's case. At the beginning of the war, Konoha's main enemy was Iwa, who was practically defeated at the time. With Iwa defeated, Konoha had no real reason to continue a war, but other nations did. One such nation was Kumo.

Kumo had been regarded as war-loving due to the habit they had of either starting wars or joining wars in which they had no business in with the hopes of earning some sort of spoil, whether it be money, support, or a new bloodline. Konoha was no longer officially at war with anyone, but there were still a few aggressive actions from Kumo every now and then, resulting in a pile up of paper work for the young Hokage.

Naruto was sitting in a cradle-like seat simply doing…well not much really. This was the one thing about being a baby that Naruto really hated. He couldn't talk because his vocal chords weren't developed, he couldn't walk or crawl because his legs and arms weren't developed, and worst of all…he couldn't eat ramen because he had no teeth. All he could really do was enjoy the company of his parents, which considering he lived for 17 years without them, really wasn't a bad thing.

A few minutes passed and the secretary came into Minato's office. "Sir, there have been reports of 'disturbances' around the bathing district" said the secretary before handing Minato the report and leaving the office.

"Looks like Ero-Sennin's back in town" thought Naruto. He couldn't wait to see that over grown pervert again. The last time he had seen him was just before Jiraiya left to go to Amegakure, his final mission before dying at the hands of Pein…that got Naruto thinking.

The memories of returning to find out Jiraiya had died came back to him and they hurt. He had been devastated, only to be helped back up by Shikamaru and Iruka-sensei. Speaking of those two, he was wondering when he would eventually see them. He couldn't wait to see all his old friends again, and now because he wasn't some 'Demon Brat' anymore, perhaps the parents of Konoha would be nice to him.

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