Chapter 5: Orochimaru

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If the Kyuubi had been sealed inside Naruto, there is a good chance it would have been unleashed now.

Sanding in his dad's office was the one man that had caused Naruto so much pain in his previous timeline.

The one who was responsible for the death of his grandfather figure and many other of his comrades.

The one responsible for taking his best friend away and turning him down a path of darkness…Orochimaru.

Naruto studied the snake for some hint as to whether this was a different Orochimaru or if this was the same Orochimaru as the one from the original timeline.

Sadly, it was easy to tell that this Orochimaru held very little respect for the man he was facing and even a hint of hatred.

He had most likely been masking his emotions, but some of it still managed to seep out.

This was the Orochimaru who would betray the village and come back, only to try and raze it to the ground.

Naruto wanted to kill this man. He wanted to kill him before anything bad could happen.

He didn't want to give Orochimaru another second to scheme and plan his destruction of the village.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was still a three-year-old, he would have lunged at the man with all his might and killed him.

However, he knew that he currently did not have the power to handle this snake nor could he with his dad around and most likely a half dozen ANBU hiding in the shadows of the room.

Naruto knew Orochimaru was due to betray the village any day now.

He remembered Jiraiya saying something like this.

If he remembered correctly, it would be soon that Orochimaru left. If everything played out as it had in the original timeline, Orochimaru would return during the chunin exams in Konoha, just after he became a genin.

If everything worked out correctly, it was there that he'd do away with the snake once and for all, assuming his dad didn't do anything first.

Orochimaru turned and left the office after handing the Hokage a document. Before he left, Naruto caught that grin that he had known meant Orochimaru was up to no good.

However, getting worked up would not help and Naruto did his best to calm himself down.

For the rest of the night, Naruto did his best to mask his emotions.

He was forcing himself not to act and allow everything to flow naturally.

This time travel stuff really was tricky. The more he changed, the less he knew. It was all about choosing the right moment to act.

Should he act too early, the future becomes cloudy and uncertain and he would no longer be able to prevent certain things from happening. Would he act too late, the future that he had escaped from would return and his efforts would have been for nothing.

And unfortunately, now was not the right time.

No, the right time was definitely the chunin exams, when it was just he and Orochimaru in the Forest of Death.

Minato arrived at his office early the next morning, only to have a staff member from the hospital knock on his door. "Hokage-sama.

There is something you need to see" said the doctor in an urgent tone.

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