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Follow me maybe? Like you know yeah okay let's get on with this chapter.

Harry and Louis's wedding was in a week.

Harry was terrified. What if the food wasn't up to the expectations? What if the venue was bad? What if people didn't like the decorations? What if Louis didn't show up? Harry was so busy, trying to make everything perfect. (Louis didn't even move a muscle)

Louis well, he wanted to kiss the hell out of Harry but at the same time he wanted to rip his hair off.

Everything was wonderful in Tomlinson and Style's household.

Well, if you called the above circumstances wonderful.

Harry hadn't seen Louis in a while, because he knew he would say something he'd regret because he was just so frustrated! He was doing everything, Louis didn't even pick out a color. Well yes, he was the one who wanted to marry him but a little cooperation wouldn't be bad, would it?

Once Harry had settled everything that is he made sure the money for the venue, caterers, decorations, cake, suits, etc. was paid and everything was settled he decided he'd go visit Louis.

The Tomlinson's household was a mess, Louis was stressed. He hadn't seen Harry in a whole week! How was he supposed to pass his time? Plus he was getting married, Jesus Christ, he'd be committed. He removed his frustration out by knocking things down or going for a run.

Eric loved seeing Louis like that. It was just something about Louis's frustrated look that made him grin. He made fun of Louis and he might or might not have earned a few things thrown at him.

Louis's father was scared, what if Harry left his son? He knew his son was a handful to live with and Harry had to spend the rest of the life with him. He prayed that everything would end up just right. (Yes, he helped Harry pay too. He didn't decide anything per say-just shared his wealth.)

Louis was alone in the house. His brother and father had gone out claiming they had some end moment shopping to do. His butlers were moving all around cleaning every bit of the mansion so that it looked like that yes, there's a wedding here.

Louis sat on the couch, flipping through the TV channels, pressing the buttons on the remote aggressively and muttering profanities under is breath when Harry came over.

"The buttons will break if you keep hitting them like that." Harry said, sitting next to his fiancé.

"So let them, why do you care?" Louis snapped, clearly annoyed.

See this was the reason why Harry didn't come over. Nine out of ten times Louis was in a bad mood and with so much to worry about Harry couldn't handle that.

Harry took the remote from Louis with a sigh and kept it on the coffee table.

"I want that! Why did you take that?!-"

Harry lost it then.

"Can you shut up for one minute?! Can you do that?!" Harry shouted.

"I've been working so hard on this wedding, running form one place to another, trying to make this perfect for you and here you are shouting at me?! I know you don't like me, yeah I get it, I know I'm not good looking or anything you expected for your husband but I'm trying alright?! I'm trying my very best. I'm going on about doing three jobs so I can pay to get back my dad's business so that I can satisfy your needs in the future so could you do me a favor and just appreciate what I'm doing or just talk to me properly and ask about my day instead of shouting at me?! I've been patient but there is a limit! I am kind to you but you just don't see that! No you're the Louis Tomlinson who doesn't give a shit about anyone, even if it's the person working his ass off just to satisfy your needs! I just want a little appreciation and affection in return! Is that too much to ask for?!" Harry's face was red, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

Louis looked up at him, gulping. He felt guilty. Did Harry really think that he was not good looking? But he was good looking, very good looking. But that's besides the point, Louis felt guilty because here was a person working so hard for Louis and all Louis was doing was giving him more trouble? Louis's mom brought him up better.

"I'm sorry." Louis said, the words foreign on his tongue.

Harry looked down at him, realizing he removed all his anger out. He didn't want that. He didn't want Louis to know about things. Harry was the one who wanted to marry Louis not the other way around. He had to do that, he didn't need Louis to know about all this. He rubbed his forehead.

"Louis I didn't mean to-"

"Harry could you just for a minute agree that I'm the bad guy here?" Louis said, now getting up and standing in front of Harry.

"You aren't the bad guy Louis. It's just how you are-"

"No it's not." Louis said looking Harry in the eye.

"I can be better than this Harry, I know that, but I'm not trying and I'm not a bad person at heart to just let you have a terrible life. I know I'm a nuisance and I'll try to be a better person, just to you though." Louis said, now looking down fumbling with his fingers.

Harry smiled a little.

"Louis, it's just the wedding. I've been stressed out with preparations. I like you how you are alright? It's just," Harry sighed, " I live alone you know? There's no one around to ask me how I am or how my day was or if I'm happy or not. It sometimes gets to me. It's nothing about you Louis. And I can never make you the bad guy. Yes, you're a handful but that's okay. It keeps me away from thinking that I have no one around." Harry finished with a smile.

Louis looked up to Harry again.

"You don't hate me for who I am?" Louis asked, his voice weak.

"I don't Louis. You're original and I don't want you to change. People sometimes forget who they are trying to be what others want them to be and you haven't and I love that about you." Harry said, rubbing Louis's cheeks.

Louis's whimpered and hugged Harry.

Harry was surprised at first but then hugged the boy back, smiling.

"Thank you and I promise to appreciate you because you're a lovely person Harry. Thank you for liking me as I am." Louis said, surrounded by Harry's smell. His hands wrapped tightly around Harry's waist.

"There's nothing to thank me for." Harry said, running a hand through the boys hair.

"And you're good looking. Very good looking. Don't ever say you're not good looking." Louis mumbled, nuzzling his nose in Harry's chest.

Harry laughed at that.

Louis felt blessed right there, because he thought no one liked him for his behavior -for who he was-but then there was Harry waiting for him to realise that he was liked for the way he was. But now that Louis did, he promised himself that he'd make sure that Harry got what he wanted-attention and affection.



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