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Its 06:34am, I could tell by the alarm that just went off on my ear. Telling me it was the break of dawn. "Ugh" , I yelped at the noise that just ruined my beautiful dream of gold. A quick sniff in the air led me to raise my head,"huh ...wha...?" I smelled something burning. Quickly I got up to investigate. "Mum!?", I yelled out as I exit my room to a dim lighted passage. The passage was short and led to the kitchen and living area in my modern 'working class' home. The house only had two bedrooms, mine was on the eastern side of the house, located on the thin spaced passage.The passage was wide enough to fit two slim people pressed side by side together. A bathroom at the end of the short passage, was close to my door by a few feet with the door staring directly at the opening to the living and kitchen areas. On the west side was another short passage which had my parents' room facing opposite to the bathroom door and just a few feet off were two doors that faced each other on either side of the passage. The right door was for the closet and the left for the basement which my dear brother shared with the laundry machines. The kitchen was there just as you would enter, and it was quite medium , big enough to fit two busy people max. The living area was separated by the marble-topped cupboard that stood as an island replacement although connected to the kitchen unit. There were three different coloured stools on the other side of the 'island' and just a few steps stood a dark green leather sofa facing the wall that stood facing the eastern side of the house and a tv was hung on it. It faced to the direction of the passage to my room so I was able to see it as I came from my room. It was a pretty settled house to me and the design and decoration to the house suggested a modern look. Although sometimes it brought some kind of shame seen as it was one of the few smallest houses in the suburb we lived in. I'm guessing it was all my nurse mother and plumbing/electrician father could afford. I mean even though I had complaints , I tried to understand that it wasn't easy raising a 18 year old and a 13 year old with minimum wage , seen how both my parents didn't have stable jobs and fixed incomes. What I loved about them though, is that they were fighters, and tried by all means to meet our needs. I mean I remember the time my dad had to work over normal times in order to get me a descent laptop so that ,according to him, I can be like my friends. So I'd say I'm grateful to have parents like them.

As soon as I got off my single bed , I quickly slipped on my gown and rushed out my room towards the smell in the kitchen. Upon arrival , I found my mother holding a spatular with her head on the counter. She was in her nurse uniform so I figured she was about to go work. In the pan were a couple of burning bacon. The plates on the counter besides her head gave me a clear indication that she was trying to make breakfast before going to work but clearly ,that plan was not gonna work any longer. She was tired from working since yesterday. I think she got back home around 22:50 and went to bed immediately although she had to be at work around seven am the next morning. This was very harsh and I hated every single second of it. My primary focus was to finish my senior year , find a job and help my parents. My parents wanted me to go to varsity but I felt helping them was more important although they insisted I focus on my studies. I can't say we have a mutual agreement on that topic but everyone wants what they want right? So we agree to disagree at the most.

"Mum!!" I quickly ran over to switch off the stove and remove the pan. The bacon was already black so I threw it in the sink along with the pan and opened the tap to cool it down. She yanked her head up as she woke from her snore,"what? What..wha...?" She looked around , realising I was in the room and the pan made no sound anymore. "What are you doing , I was making breakfast!" She got up to try and rescue the bacon which was now soaking in cold tap water."NO! You were burnin it to ashes, and if we waited any longer, we would be bacon aswell starting with you!" I replied as I grabbed her by the shoulder and set her down. "Im so sorry Honey, I'm just so tired and I-" I stopped her as she spoke,"Its ok mum, you really should just stay at home and sleep more , you look terrible." I continue as I lean against the sink after turning off the water. She tried a little giggle, "oh I know mi love , but I can't afford to lose this job. It could be months before I find another job and sleepin for months won't bring in money , you know your dad's work doesn't do much as-well." She spoke with a very lazy smile. I exhaled. She was right, she had no correct qualification documents, just an undergraduate certificate that never gets her far, its just fortunate she gets jobs around some times although very scarce."Yeah , but mum you-" as I tried to speak she stopped me in my speech, "hey mi love ... i'll be ok , your mum is strong, you know right?" I sighed as I try to reduce argument ,"yeah , I know." Saying with a low tone ,she replied with another warm but weak smile," that's mi girl, now go prepare for school ok? Don't be late. Your mates are prolly on their way right now. Don't keep them waiting." Her smile was reassuring and warm although worry never seemed to escape my face. I walked away , towards the bathroom to freshen up and get ready for school. "Hey..." she stopped me and I looked back ,"i'll be ok." She said once more and I couldn't stop worrying more. I've seen a lot of these cliches in movies not to fall for them. She was not gonna be ok, I just know it.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Jan 10 ⏰

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