"Fine. Are you going to do it or not?"

"Do what?"

"Let me see my kids," he says.

"I have to talk to Nathan first," I say.

"No you dont. Their my kids, not his. You dont have to ask him for shit," he says.

"He was there when you weren't. Its his name on the birth certificate, not yours," I say.

"so what they have his last name too then? you gave them the last name Riggs instead of Shepherd?" he says.

"how do you know Nathan's last name?" I ask.

"he works at the hospital, I met him yesterday. you act a lot stupider than you are," he says.

"Are you trying to piss me off, do you want to see your kids or not? because Nathan will say no so if you want a yes don't ruin it with me," I say.

"I think it's a little too late not to ruin things, don't you think?" he says. I stare into his eyes for a couple seconds before looking down. his eyes are colder than they were two years ago.

"I'm not asking you for a second chance, I just want a chance with my kids while their still young, before their too old to remember a time when I wasn't there," he says.

"Fine, you can see them on the weekends, but Nathan will always be their real father to them, he sees them every day, he tucks them in every night, he makes them breakfast, he's the one they call daddy. if they fall and get hurt they won't run to you, they'll run to Nathan. they'll always chose Nathan over you," I say.

"shut up," he says after a few seconds.

"make me," I roll my eyes.

"You really want me to do that?" he says.

"Mm-hm," I say.

"I thought you had a fiancee you loved so dearly," he says.

"shut up and pay the damn bill," I say trying to get rid of the wet feeling between my legs.

he smirks a bit before he takes out his wallet and pays for the both of us.

"you want me to take you home or what?" he says standing up.

"well you are the one who insisted on picking me up instead of letting me drive here myself," I say.

"you're a horrible driver," he says as he waits for me to grab my things.

"I'm better than you," I say.

"You almost drove into a ditch the last time I was in a car with you," he says as he walks me to his car.

"I didn't see it there," I giggle remembering the time.

"I told you it was there multiple times but you kept ignoring me," he says opening the passenger door for me.

"it was too dark," I say, getting in.

"or you just need driving glasses," he says before closing the car door.

he goes around and gets into the drivers seat and drives me to my apartment.

"where is Nathan and the kids?" he asks.

"Nathan's at the hospital and the twins are at daycare," I say as he drives.

"what are their names?" he asks.

"the girl is Mallory, and the boy is Miles," I say. he looks at me.

"I thought you said I wasn't aloud to name my son," he says, smiling a bit.

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