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Derek Shepherd.

it's the end of the day. It wasn't a very busy day, it was mostly boring.

Meredith and I still haven't talked since I got here. I want to but I know it'll only piss her off.

I can imagine shes already moved on and probably had a boyfriend by now. With her looks she hasn't been single long.

I know I dont have any rights into her life but I do have a right to father my own children.

I dont want to have to take Meredith to court and I also dont think she would make me go that far.

Theyre only two so I cant imagine they really ask many questions about their father yet.

I get dressed into my day clothes and grab my things before leaving the attendings lounge.

as I'm leaving the hospital I see Meredith with a guy walking with the twins. my twins.

"Daddy, you carry me?" the little girl says. my little girl.

"sure, sweetie," he says before lifting her into his arms and carrying her to the car.

Meredith stays back with the boy. my son, while the other guy goes with my daughter.

I walk over to her and she looks at me she rolls her eyes.

"What do you want Derek?" she asks.

"I want to talk to you tomorrow alone," I say handing her a card with my number.

"About what?" she asks.

I look down at the boy. he looks at me as he holds Meredith's hand.

"You'll see tomorrow," I say before walking away.

The next day.


Im currently sitting at a table having lunch with Derek.

Hes already told me he wants to see the kids and that he has every right to see them as much as I do.

I dont believe that because he doesn't considering he decided to leave instead of stay.

He saw me with Nathan the other day and now im pretty sure hes just jealous that my kids have a father thats not him.

" what am I supposed to tell them? They already have a father and they dont know that hes not biologically theirs," I say.

"Hes your boyfriend, figure it out," he says.

"Fiancée, hes my fiancée not boyfriend," I say.

He puts his cup down and looks at me.

"What?" He asks.

"We're getting married in four months," I say.

"Like hell you are," he says.

"Excuse me?" I say in shock.

"Nothing, nothing. Congratulations," he scoffs.

"What are you so pissy about. I gave you a chance to get a divorce and you didnt want to and now youre mad that im moving on after two years?" I say.

"No, never mind. Im sorry," he says.

"You have your entire life to be sorry," I say.

"What do you want me to do? I cant do back in time and change everything I did," he says.

"Im not asking you to," I say.

"Then what are you asking me to do?" He says.

"Im asking you to shut the hell up for five minutes," I say.

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