> Oh, How you Make me So Confused <

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Y/N, you need to make a decision

I'll go.

Good choice, but you need to fly back to LA within the next two days.

Z, I can't just leave my entire life behind in two days! You're kidding

Two days, or the deal is off
Not my production, not my rules


I left her on read, I began to weep. I didn't dare to let out a sound, holding back a squeak everytime fresh tears rolled down my cheeks. I heard a door begin to open, I quickly pushed through my bedroom door.

The girls in the middle of doing face masks and scrolling on their phones looked up at me.

"Oh, Y/N.." Hannah immediately got up to give me a hug.

Tina immediately handing me a box of tissues, "Poor thing."

No words could escape through my mouth, it was only hiccups or cries.

Everyone in this room could still understand, they motioned me over to sit on the mattresses. They had taken everyone's mattress and put them on the floor to make it a small sleepover.

"I'm going to miss you guys." I sniffled.

"What? You guys aren't leaving for another two weeks." Sylvee looked confused.

"I'm leaving in two days."

The tension built up in the room, none of us daring to talk.

"Have you told anyone?" Hannah asked, still soothing my back.

I shook my head, "Not about when I'm leaving."

"Don't worry, we'll just have to make your last days count!" Sylvee tried to loosen up the mood.

I smiled weakly, "Yeah."


I had calmed down after a while, the other girls had gone downstairs for a "midnight feast", while Hannah and I stayed behind.

"Hannah, don't you want to join them?" I looked up from my phone.

"No, I have to talk to you." She motioned for me to come over.

I pretended to groan and struggle to walk the few feet to get to her.

"I think you should tell Karl."

That was not what I had in mind when she wanted to talk, "What do you mean?"

"Y/N, he's always been there. The least you could do is tell him you're leaving." Hannah nudged me, "You know, all he can talk about is you."

I gulped, "Oh yeah?"

Hannah nodded before going downstairs to join the girls.

I'm absolutely fucked.


I really hope he isn't asleep because this is a one time confidence thing. I knocked at his shared door, the door quickly swung open.

"Yo, what's up!" Punz greeted me.

I waved, "Is Karl in here, I just gotta talk to him."

"Yup, hold on." He yelled for Karl through the music they had playing on someone's laptop, "Y/N is here to see you!"

I could hear the guys snickering as Karl walked to the door. He rolled his eyes at the boys before closing the door behind him.

"What's up?" He asked, "Are you okay?"

I took a deep breath before leaning in, his soft lips connected with mines. The taste of liquor lingered on his lips. I quickly pulled back, stuttering over my words, "I don't know why I did that, I'm sorry."

I had ran off before he could get a word in, my face turned all red as I replayed the scene again in my head. God, I'm a idiot! It was so embarrassing.

Or I'm just an overthinker. Everything is just way too complicated right now. Why did I do that.?

Soft knocks echoed from the door, "N/N, can I come in."

I walked over to the door, halting at the doorknob before swinging it open, there stood Karl Jacobs, in all his glory.

"I'm an idiot, I-" My words got cut off as Karl pulled me close with a hand cupped at my face, and a hand around my waist. He had rushed to connect our lips once again, this time rushed with desperation. I kissed back before we both pulled back for air.

"N/N.." He smiled at me.

"You're drunk, let's not say things you'll regret in the morning." I pushed him back to his own room, pushing him into Punz's arms, "We can talk in the morning."

I walked away, all the way downstairs. I laughed as I saw the mess in the kitchen. Almost forgetting about the headache of a life I have for a second, Dream was going to kill us for ruining his kitchen. "What's all this flour!" I laughed.

"We were trying to bake cookies for you, but somebody forgot their own recipe!" Tina huffed, narrowing her eyes at Sylvee.

"That's really sweet of you, but let's leave this mess for the guys." I giggled, watching as they ran up the stairs.

Hannah looked back at me, tilting her head. I already knew what she was asking, I only gave her a nod. Karl Jacobs, oh how you make me so confused.


Hello!! I haven't been enjoying to write lately, so I've been taking some time away! I think this chapter will build to the others. You'll see me in another 14 business days! :,)
(Just joking.. I think)

Y/N's (You), time in Florida is coming to an end. Switzerland is far.. how will this affect everything else??

Thoughts? Predictions?

Love you! Take care of yourselves!

~ 🥕

&gt; Promises &lt; K.J Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz