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It was...

Dolores. She stood there in disbelief for a few seconds before she came rushing down the stairs and hugged Mirabel. Mirabel was a bit shooked but still returned the hug. When they separated, Dolores asked, "Since when are you back? do the others know that you're here? Are you alone here?","whoa Dolores calm down, I just got here Antonio found me and incistet I came with him and no no one else knows I'm here and yes I travel alone but it wasn't my plan to end up back here" she told her nervously, deep down she knew she wasn't ready to face everybody. Not her told family, sister, parents, and ...

Abuela, now she was scared she didn't want to see her again. It only brings up bad memories. She started to panic a little . "I shouldn't have come with you, Antonio. I'm really sorry but I can't stay here, face everybody and act like nothing happened five years ago. I just can't, im sorry, Antonio..Dolores. "she told them while her breath was getting faster."MIRABEL WAIT," Antonio shouted after her, but it was already too late. She had already turned around and started running  into the forest, blowing out the candle they had with her. She couldn't take the risk of them finding her... she just wants to go home to the village, camilo and her parents.
She ran as fast as she could. She didn't know for how long, but it ended up with her falling asleep against a tree. She was exhausted from al the running.

The next morning, she woke up in her bed. She shot up and looked around, not sure if this was a dream, but that was put aside when her dad came in,"dad!" She shouted, got out of bed, and ran up to hug him,"Mirabel, what were you doing? we were so worried, we found you at a tree sleeping, what happened, kid tell me."

She sighed and told him everything that happend and he just lisent what she was saying, after she finished explaining her dad pulled her unto another hug "I'm so happy that you came back Mirabel, we were worried sick for you"

"I'm sorry, Dad," she wisperd


443 Words

Hello everyone, I'm sorry it took me so long to update this Story, school was getting really hard and I had to study a lot but if everything works out  I will be able tu update more.

Also, if you have any ideas for the Storys, don't be shy to tell them, and also, I unfortunately couldn't find the name of the person who did the picture but credits to them.

I also hope you enjoyed this new chapter.

Byee hopefully, see you soon

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