Welcome to Ranchi

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Siya simply smiles and shakes her head at her brother's response, before looking back outside to take in the sights of her new home.

MS is instructed by the flight attendant to leave before the other passengers to avoid being surrounded by a crowd.

Siya looks around in wonder as she walks inside the airport with her brother, while Mahi holds her with one arm so as to not lose her anywhere.

The bodyguards get their luggage for them, before meeting them near the gate and leading them to their car.

Mahi first gets helps his sister inside the car, before walking over to the other side and getting into the car himself.

Siya grabs her brother's hand once he sits next to her, feeling nervous about meeting her Bhabhi.

Mahi understands what was going on in his sister's mind and squeezes her hand to reassure her that everything would be okay.

Siya instantly calms down a bit, knowing that she will have her brother right beside her no matter what.

The driver drove them all the way to the Dhoni Farmhouse, where Sakshi was waiting for them.


Sakshi was impatiently waiting for her husband to arrive because trying to understand his cryptic message from a few hours ago had started to drive her crazy.

Just then she hears a car arrive at the door and ran to see her husband.

She sighed in relief upon seeing that her husband had arrived because now she will finally get an explanation.

Mahi comes out of the car and immediately goes to the other side to open the door confusing his wife.

Sakshi was pretty sure that no one would arrive unannounced to their place because all her Devars were busy with the Asia Cup preparation, while her older brothers were actually planning to visit them in a few days to surprise their Mahi.

Dada (Sourav Ganguly), Sachin Paaji (Sachin Tendulkar) and Jammy Bhai (Rahul Dravid) had coordinated with her and made the entire plan.

For a moment, Sakshi thought that maybe Dada had decided to come early because he missed his Mahiya too much, but then dropped the idea after she remembered how Dada had been sternly warned by Jammy Bhai to not deviate from their plan.

Just then Mahi comes in front of her with a young girl beside him and gives his wife a look saying that he will explain later.

Sakshi smiles at the young girl to make her feel welcome because she looked extremely nervous.

Mahi decides to make the introductions and says, "Siyu, meet your Sakshi Bhabhi. And Sakshi, this is Siya."

Sakshi comes forward and hugs Siya, who goes stiff at first before relaxing in her Bhabhi's loving and comforting embrace.

Mahi smiled upon seeing how well his wife was handling his little sister, despite knowing nothing about her.

He knew that once his wife would know everything he knew about Siya, she would become just as protective of Siya, as he already was.

Sakshi took Siya to a guest room and helped her get comfortable before getting her some of her clothes to wear after freshening up.


Sakshi goes looking for her husband, who was sitting on the sofa looking a little lost in his own thoughts, so she sits on the armrest next to him.

She decides to bring him back to reality by poking him and asks, "Penny for your thoughts?"

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