Hazel's POV

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It was time to go home and Angelo kept offering me for a ride but I just met him today " you not walking now get in the car" he wouldn't let me pass I was trying my best to get past him but he wouldn't.

"Angelo please" I don't know what I said but his eyes dark for some reason " Angelo you okay?" I walked up to him and touching his face but he just kept staring at me I don't know why but I gave him a hug it was weird but he hug me back.

"Got you" he then pick me up and put me in the car "Angelo stop please" he close the door and went over to his side and got in " chill I'm not going to hurt you I just want to take you to my house" shook my head and try to open the door.

"Angelo please"I seen him grip the steering wheel and closed his eyes
" Hazel if you don't stop begging me we're going to have a problem" I was confused I didn't even do anything
" Just don't say 'Angelo please'don't say that" I nod my head slowly I'm still trying to open the door.

" Stop. trying. to. break. my. door Hazel a what is wrong with you?" I'll roll my eyes and continue to try to open the door every time I want to unlock it he will lock it back " why are we going to your house for?" He looked at me we were now sitting in the parking lot of the school for some reason.

"I want you to tutor me Math"I was scared I was trying to make up a lie so I can get myself out of this " sorry Angela I'm not a straight A student so I can't help you" then that's what Angelo put me close by my neck but not trying to hurt me.

" Don't lie to me hazel you are a straight A student and you're also the school tutor" my eyes went wide how do you know all this stuff his the new boy at the school I don't understand
"Ok" I said quietly he smile and let me go and then start the car.

Skip time

We you were in the rich side of town we kept driving until we pull up to the biggest house in this town not a lot of people stayed in that house but I guess he had the money to afford it
He pressed the button in his car to open the gate the gate opened and there was a lot of bodyguards that were surrounding the house.

"Umm Angelo I'm scared" I said looking down on my fingers playing with them " don't be scared they just had to protect us"I'm not in quality got out of the car Angelo's walking fast so I ran up to him and grab his hand he chuckled and locked his hand with mine.

He open the door and I went in first and let go of his hand and walked around I never been in a mansion before and this is my first time
"ANGELO"I hear somebody screamed I ran and hide behind Angelo I peed behind Angelo and seeing a really tall guy he looked like Angelo a little bit.

"Who's that behind you?" I immediately have behind Angelo when he noticed me " dad chill out you're scaring her" I didn't do anything but just hide behind Angelo
"Check her" then two of the big buff man from the corner started to come up towards me.

I started to shake my head thinking that they were going to kill me or something I started to hold Angelo tight " Angelo I want to go home" I said as I hold on tighter I don't know why but tears started to come for my eyes I was scared shitless.

I felt someone pet my waist and another hand on my shoulder
"Angelo tell them to stop" after I said that I didn't feel any more hands on me Angelo turned around and hug me
" It's okay baby I'm sorry about my dad it's just very strict about people" .

"Angelo put her in your bedroom and meet me downstairs"Angelo grabbed my hand and took me upstairs they dance with me to the last door on the right he opened it and it was a big bedroom I can tell it was Angelo's because it smelled like him.

" Okay Hazel just stay on my bed and I'll be right back okay do not leave the room"I nod my head slow not wanting him to leave me and that when he left out of the room

Angelo's POV

I can not believe my dad just pull that off so what the hell is wrong with him
I walked downstairs and met him in the kitchen he was sitting down with my oldest brother and my uncle
" We have to discuss the girl that's in your room" I'll roll my eyes but I didn't sit down " Dad are you being serious right now".

I sit down in the seat with my arms crossed I didn't want to listen to this bullshit " you don't know if she's a threat to this family Angelo and you bring her to our house" I looked at him like he was retarded " Dad she can't even hurt a fly how is she going to hurt us?".

I was getting angry how can she even hurt someone and she can't even defend herself at school we heard the door unlocked and my mom walked in " what's going on?" My mom said taking off her shoes walking into the kitchen " Angelo bought a girl to the house and we don't know if she's a threat to the family".

My mom looked at my dad and then me " well what does she looks like" I have a relationship with my mom that my dad I don't pretty much like my dad too much but I adore my mom my mom is my everything " she's not even that tall mom she about around
4'11 or 4'10" . My mom gave my dad the look that she always give her.

" Leo are you kidding me right now?" He looked at my mom like he was confused like he didn't understand what she was saying "bring her down here I want to see her" I nod my head and walked up the stairs to go get hazel.

When I walked into my room Hazel was just sitting on the bed kicking her legs back and forth her feet couldn't really touch the ground which I found very cute " Hazel my mom wants to meet you" hazel nod and jumped off the bed and ran towards me I hold my hand out so she can grab it.

We got downstairs and Hazel was hiding behind me the whole time I mean I've been scared too if somebody want to do that to me
I walked into the kitchen " where is she" I look behind me and I can see that Hazel was holding me very tight
"Hazel they won't hurt you I promise" .

Hazel peak from behind me and looked at everybody for a minute that's what my mom squeal like a little girl " oh my goodness sweetie she is so cute Leo do you really think that this little thing will hurt us?"my dad strugged and crossed his arms this is why I cannot stand my dad.

" Y'all go upstairs and have fun and no funny business okay" my mom gave me a smile and I took Hazel by her hand and we went upstairs I open the door to my room and she walked out first " I like your room Angelo it's pretty nice" I couldn't have a smile on her I never smile at a girl before I was just end up fucking them and then leaving them.

"I'm sorry about my dad he just he does too much sometimes" he said on my bed and look down at her lap not really doing anything " he's really scary you know" I shrugged my shoulders not really understanding why she's scared of him he doesn't really scare me you just gets on my nerves.

" Let's start tutoring shall we" she nid and got on the floor open her book bag and took out her math book and we started Lesson.

I cannot take girls at my school seriously I just can't but I hope y'all comment and vote

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