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5 years later.

"Momma, where are we going?" You ask.

"To meet someone." Terra says.

You and Hunter have met before, but only when you were babies, to simply test how you guys responded to one another. Hunter was 1 when he emerged and could barely walk, he'd stumble a lot. He only knew a few words at the time while you knew none. He never really had an opinion on you, I mean he was one. After a couple years once you guys are mkre developed You guys decided to meet again, to see how you both would do now that you are able to communicate.

"Who?" You say hugging your (childhood plushie).

"It's a little play date, to see if you guys can make friends." Terra says.

"I'm meeting someone my age??" You grin.

"Yes." She sighs.

"Ooh I hope they're nice and cool..." You say hugging the plushie more.

Sooner or later Terra and you slide off the broom and you arrive at the emperors coven.

"Isn't this the big castle with that guy who's big and tough and the leader?" You ask.

"Emperor Belos." Terra says, holding your hand escorting the both of you to the entrance.

"Is he nice?" You ask.

"Nice or not, you need to obey and respect." Terra says opening the door.

"If he tells you to do something you do it, no questions understood?" Terra says.


"Oh and don't touch anything, everything in here is fragile." She says dragging you throughout the halls.


"Belos wanted me to put you on a certain room." Terra mutters to herself.

"Is it a doctor pointment?" You ask.

"Sure." Terra sighs. "Whatever you want it to be."

"Oh okay." You say being quiet.

You both walk around the halls. Your eyes keep spinning from one direction to another, you've never been inside a castle before, atleast you don't remember being in one. It's big and beautiful, the ceilings are as high as the sky, it would be impossible for anyone to touch them. How did any witch build these? Oh right staffs, they can fly.

"Here we are." Terra says, opening the door to the room.

"Go in here, I'll be back soon." Terra says.

"What's in here?" You ask.

She closes the door. Wow. Okay. You look around, from your extenet it seems like a play room, there are children books, there's little toys, blocks. Maybe she's keeping you in here while she has important stuff to talk about to the big master guy she was saying, Bulos or something.

You walk to the little toy bin and look at all the toys. Hippogriffs, Basilisks, Loch Ness. The plushies are soft.

You've never seen these animals but you known they exist, and that they're actually dangerous monsters. You pick up the hippogriff, it's fluffy. You like your plushie you brought with you more though. You ended up annoying Terra so much she ended up giving it to you just to make you quiet.

UℕᏇℐℒℒℐℕᎶℒᎽ  ℐℕ  ℒᎾᏉℰ  Ꮗℐтℋ  ᎽᎾU (Hunter x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now