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Florence's POV

"Thank you, guys. Bye!" I exclaim happily, waving to my laptop's camera in goodbyes.

I close the laptop with a long exhale, closing my eyes tiredly. I just finished an online interview for Black Widow press. It was me, David and Scarlett. And except for Scarlett, who was trying to hide her obvious pregnancy, nothing was too ordinary.

Maybe apart from zero contact with my girlfriend.

And it makes my heart clench painfully.

I can't help, but feel like Isabelle is distancing herself from me. I don't know why, I just have some gut feeling that something is wrong.

Also, this feeling is only increasing my guilt.

Maybe I'm distancing myself from her too. Mostly because of the knowledge I have. About Isabelle's dad. I feel like the worst girlfriend keeping a secret like this. But I promised Scarlett. It's her decision to make about telling Bella.

I keep looking at my phone, watching how minutes turn into an hour under a message I sent to my girlfriend. I sigh sadly, picking up the phone and calling Scarlett instead.

"Hello" Her voice echoes in my ear as I start playing with rings on my left hand. "What's up, Flo? We just finished talking" She lets out a soft laugh and I chuckle slightly embarrassed.

I'm still trying to find the happy medium between treating Scarlett like my co-star and my girlfriend's mother.

"Y-Yeah, I know, but I wanted to ask something..." I trail off unsurely, thinking if it's a good idea to ask Scarlett about her daughter.


"I don't want to sound controlling, but is Isabelle busy? I need her opinion on something, so if she could just text me back-"

"What do you mean, Flo? How am I supposed to know if Bella is busy?" Scar laughs off awkwardly and I furrow my brows in confusion. "She's probably filming"

"Wait, she's not with you?"

"Hon, how the hell can she be with me when she's in New Orleans? Are you alright?" Her voice sounds concerned about me, but I can't form a word right now.

She lied to me?

Isabelle's POV

"But please, promise me he won't show up at any time" I mumble pleadingly, probably for the third time in the last ten minutes.

"Isa, I promise you, I won't even tell him, okay? Just as much he can decide for himself, you can do it for yourself too" She assures me, also for the third time.

The window moment was two hours ago and since then, we've been talking more businesslike. She even went for Tree earlier. They offered me to call someone to be with me, but surprisingly, I trust Taylor.

Although, I still don't know how I moved from crying in her arms to talking about making some music together.

"Okay, I got a response from Republic Records and once again, they trust Taylor enough to not question her decision" Tree speaks up as she enters the room after leaving to make some phone calls.

"Just like that?" I blur out in shock. I didn't expect to be this easy.

"Yes. But you won't be signed immediately. You're making an album with Taylor, she takes care of everything, but if it'll be good, they'll promote your album like their own. We just have to talk about numbers later, but I'll take care of it if you're fine with it" She explains to me and I hum along in acknowledgement. "The rest is more Taylor's thing, so I'm not going to interfere in that. And you're both sure about Jack? He's involved in your music for a long time" She changes the topic, looking mostly at the blonde.

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