why are you here?

147 3 13

Q: Today's the day Jorge

G: I know it is I'm nervous quackityyyy

Q: It's ok don't be nervous. You know the dances you know the dance with out hearing the music and you have good rhythm you'll do good

G: I hope

Q: But you know how to do your dance but I still can barely catch.

G: but u got better

Q: I did but still not good

G: Hear gimme the ball and I'll throw it

Q: Alr

Quackity stepped back while George made a wide enough gap



he threw the ball and quackity caught it but almost dropped it

G: Good job

Q: Thanks

S: Heyyy

G: Oh hi sapnap
Q: Sup sapnap

S: You guys ready

G: I am but I'm not sure about him

Q: I'm ready just scared

S: Hey did you guys know the guys also get a vote on which girls make the team

G: Huh

S: Yea, they said so we pick "the right cheerleader for us" or whatever that means

C: Yea, and atleast 8 guys have to say they want you on the team and ur chances increase

G: Aww nooo I'm not getting any votes

C: Well you got 3 me, sapnap and quackity

G: Yea ig so but I still need 5 more

C: It's ok you'll do good and if no one else votes for you I'll beat them up

George laughed and smiled at Clay.


Q: The bell is so crusty

G: Ik it is bye guys

S: Bye George
C: Bye George
Q: Bye George

I walked to my class. Math. Ugh I hated math but I'm only passing it cuz the teacher is not strict and as long as he sees you try he will put a good grade. But I also hated it because my ex and my boy bsf was in there. Yea it's the same person. Although he can't top quackity he's been there for me since 4th grade. But it's a good thing I don't have to sit next to him

T: George I change your seat

G: Uh Mr I liked my seat

T: Ik but the school said if I don't move you around I would get in trouble

G: Ughhh

T: Ok well your seat is all the way in the back

G: Oh ok that's better

T: Yea and only one more person sits there with you. We'll next to you.

G: Oh ok thanks Mr

I went to my seat. The far back. I loved this. Better view, teachers not always looking back here, no one to bother me, I could be on my phone and no one would see. Perfect.


The heck. I looked up and saw my ex. Karl we were friends but he's been a bit distant.

G: Oh hi karl whatcha doing

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