Chapter 30 : Aunt SangMi (part 4)

Start from the beginning

"This is not the time for interview"
"Sorry not the time"
"we are in a hurry"

That's the words Aera heard from them when many interviewers are trying to get her attention.

they accompany aera till they arrive to their car.


Back at the dorm, Aera was left alone again. The boys are busy with their practice. Aera look at her phone but there was nothing that she could do unless scrolling through social media. It was scary at the same time because there's still harsh comments, however, she was glad that many carats send condolences and support her.

+oh my, stay strong Aera
+Aeraa, we'll always be with you
+carats here to support you
+have a good rest aera! Come back stronger!
(some of the comments)

There were a lot of articles on Aera being on hiatus.


"leaving?" Aera thought and laughed a bit. It's funny how people thought she's going to leave seventeen.

Then, she remember that her aunt wanted her to leave seventeen. Is it her fault that she didnt leave seventeen? Almost 2 years being in seventeen, so many things happens to Aera, whether it be bad or good.


The next day, aera went to her aunt's hometown to grab some of her things.
There's a nostalgic feeling comes the moment she enters the house. This is the place where she grew up. This is the place where aunt sangmi raised her like she's her own daughter.

"Aera, wake up~ we arrived already" Aera's mother woke her up inside the car. Aera looks at her surrounding and it was a new place for her. With the korean house structure.

(refer to page y/n facts about Aera's parents)

"where is this place mom?" Aera asked. while holding her mom's hand, walking towards the front door of the house. "We're at your aunt's house!" her mom said, she said it cheerfully but there's still sorrow in that voice. Her father brings her luggage. Her only luggage. It made little Aera confused, why her parents only bring her luggage? Where's their luggage?

"knock knock" The door was knocked by her mother.

Ths door opens, and it shows aunt SangMi. That was the first time Aera met Aunt SangMi. She was wearing casual sleeping clothes and her hair was tight loosely. Aunt Sangmi let them in. Aunt SangMi looks 2 years older than her mother

Aera sat and play with the toys inside a room, (which is now Aera's room) that her mother brings for her. Her father play with her inside the room. Her mother and Aunt SangMi was talking in the living room.

"Appa.. Why I never heard of Aunt Sangmi?" Aera asked while playing with her dolls. "Well, since we live in Australia, we couldn't get in touch due to our distance and time difference" her father explained.

"You went to australia to be with that guy, left me and mother while mother was sick!!" Aunt SangMi raised her voice, till her sound can be heard by Aera and his father in the room.
"and now you want to leave her too!?" 

The voice caught Aera attention but immediately distracted by her father. "So! How's korea?" her father asked. "It's beautiful!" Aera said cheerfully. Aera loves korea by the time she steps in the country. "my daughter, you need to speak more korean now okay, this is your- we are going to live here now" her father told her to speak more korean, which she's not fluent with, but can understand it since she grew up in Australia with a korean parents. Aera only nodded because she's too attracted with her dolls.

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