chapter 4

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In dark moon pack
Here the Luna and alpha were talking to their elder son kim taehyung in vedio call.

Alphine(rm's mate,jk and tae's mom):hello tiger??how are you?you looking thin.are you taking healthy food?how was your studies?are you doing well?when are you returning to Korea?  Yaaah I speaking here you looking a statue,say something young man.

Taehyung just sighed at his mom and said:mom you didn't let me to speak then how can I reply haa?.well I am fine.yes I doing well in studies and yes I am taking healthy food.after finishing my degree I will return to Korea which is soon. I am fit and fine.stop worrying about me and take care of your health.

Alphine: heheh 😅 sorry is always mom better finish your degree and come soon.

Tae:well it's your's and appa's decision to make me study here in U.S.A not my fault 🙄.

Rm:you do know whatever we do it's only good for you right.just please understand us son.

Tae:yeah I know papa but I really miss  you all.i miss eomma's homemade foods.

Rm and his Luna looked at each other with sad expression.
Tae's mom:There is a reason why we are doing this.we are sorry baby.please forgive us.(she said with teary eyes)

They just talked for sometime and went to do their work.

Someone's pov
???:oh so the prey is in bad just wait and watch.i am goona kill you and sacrifice you to my god.then I will regain my powers.(she just laughed evily.)

???:but you do know that is not  goona be a easy task mom.

??:yeah I know.i already have a master plan.i am just waiting for the right time.

In blue moon pack

Y/n is sleeping peacefully and having a nightmare in which she is walking in a forest and saw a women who is standing there wearing black dress.

Y/n is sleeping peacefully and having a nightmare in which she is walking in a forest and saw a women who is standing there wearing black dress

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Y/n:who are you????

???:your death (said laughing evily)
She turned around and grabbed her neck with force that knocked her breathe out.

Y/n woke up shouting 'no please leave me'.she turned around room and realised that it's just a hearing her shouting her brother came inside.

Jimin:hey baby what happen?why are you sweating so much??

Y/n just hugged her brother and said "stay with me oppa  please"🥺.

Both cuddled and went to sleep.

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