The wind mage says, frowning, "I told you, you're wasting your time!!"

Natsu goes to punch Erigor, but the winds just throw him back on the ground. He lands on his feet, however, in a kneeling position. Erigor laughs.

Natsu grips the metal track and flames flare around his body. "No!! What's wrong with me?! I can't even get close to him!" The pinkette yells in frustration.

Happy gasps, black eyes wide, "Natsu!"

The Fire Dragon Slayer screams in anger, his flames flaring more, "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!! I HAVE TO BEAT HIM!! AAARRGGHH!!" Upon his scream, the nearby rocky pillars are lit on fire, reacting to Natsu's anger and frustration.

Happy breathes, "Wow...! He's really doing it! He's changing the direction of the wind!"

The wind surrounding Erigor is indeed blowing towards the Dragneel.

Natsu lets out another scream just as he straightens up and breaks apart the metal track.

"What the—?!" Gasps Erigor, gazing down at his hand. "He's drawing my wind toward him!"

"That's it!" Happy exclaims. He then waves his paw in front of his face as he tells Natsu, "Natsu!" The pinkette jerks his head to the blue cat, eyes angry white triangles. "You stink! Just give up and let Gray handle this, 'cause you're never gonna win!"

The pinkette just stands there, dumbfounded. His tan eyes wide with disbelief and jaw agape.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?!" The pinkette demands angrily as a yellow, red and blue tick mark appear on his head.

With a scream of rage, Natsu's flames intensify, pulling more of Erigor's wind away from him, much to Erigor's shock.

"His flames are blowing away my Storm Mail!" The wind mage stares in disbelief. "Curse you!!" The Storm Mail spell vanishes, revealing a stunned Erigor, who glares at Natsu.

The pinkette suddenly yells in determination, as his flames flare upwards, towards the sky, "I'M GONNA TAKE YOU DOWN!!!"

With a cry, he launches himself at Erigor with impressive speed, slamming into the wind mage's stomach, headfirst. "FIRE DRAGON: SWORD EDGE!!!" With a flip, Natsu sends Erigor rocketing into the air, am arc of fire shooting up, with Erigor.

The white haired man falls back down, landing in the ground headfirst. Literally. Only his feet remain sticking out, and they twitch violently.

Natsu asks Happy, "Did ya like that, Happy?!"

"You sure showed him that if you mess with the Salamander, you're gonna get toasted!" The blue cat chimes.

With an unhappy look on his face, Natsu grumbles in response, "Well, you weren't too sure of me earlier."

Happy replies innocently, "Cats have a really bad short term memory, you know!"

"You said that I'd never be able to beat him, so I should leave it to Erza, or something like that!"

"Whoa! Your memory must be even worse than mine!" Happy says. "I said Gray not Erza."

Happy chimes, "But it doesn't matter, now! 'Cause you won, Natsu!"

The pinkette grins, and says, "You bet I did!! Though I'm not really sure how I pulled off that last attack..."

Happy chimes, "I guess you're just that awesome!!"

"I guess so! Hahahaha!" Natsu agrees, folding his hands behind his head.


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