Hey eren you call, stop at McDonald's so me and Sasha can get something to eat,what about us , Connie says what about you Sasha replies.

We want food too. Then get some whose stoping you Sasha says, clearing getting irritated.
After,you guys order, you guys finally started heading to school, the closer you got the more nervous you started to feel.

So you decided to ask a question , so sash and con, have anybody been talking about me or eren?.

Yea   Actually , they have  is it bad?
Well its really like Connie starts, " why the two whores, had to go be suicidal", or "i was really falling for eren / y/n ,ow i dont think i can see them the same.

Sasha smacks Connie on his head , he turns and give her a crazy look,HEYY WHAT WAS THT FOR Connie says

Because you have no god damn filter that's why.

What else did the ladies say about me  eren says ,he gives Connie a smirkish look, Connie looks back at eren with a smirkish look and says - they still want that Titian dick .

They both crack up laughing, you and Sasha look at each other then sit up and smack both of them in there head

They both yell out of pain and anger, they both say, " WHAT WAS THAT FOR".

I thought i was you girl friend you piece of shit! Why in the hell do you care " what the ladies" say you say in a man voice

That had Sasha laughing  the way you said it .

You are my girl friend , look eren says keeping his eyes on the road , if you behave for the rest of that day you can get some of this Titian dick to alr, he looks at Connie and dabs him up

Nope. You say I wont behave , i dont need your  abnormal tittan dick, ill just get some of jeans instead.

Sasha and Connie gasps,

Eren didn't really like jean that much  they where still friends because you all where in a big group but , they would always  have little competitions.

No you did not.

Yes. I did.

Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Connie says , as he rolls down the window it just got hot in here real fast

Real Sasha says, i was just cold but then , i was hot.

Anyways, you saying moving the conversation away from you and eren, what do they say about me?

Oh yea, the boys said they still wanna smash you , because they like crazy girls, and the girls said they still will fall for you because, your a literal , milf .

I'm not gay, but I respect,  oh and we also got new transfer kids too, that's what i heard.

Same i heard the same i hope there in our class so we all can make new friends , Connie says as eren pulls into the school, parking lot.

You step out of the car , eren comes up to you and gives you a quick peck on your lips , and put his arm around you,

Sasha and Connie are pushing each other telling who should walk first.

As you for get closer to the school doors , two people walk up to you guys ,ARMINNN, MYYY MAN- GOT THAT FRESH AH HAIR CUT I SEE, Connie says as he touches armin hair like he got waves or something.

Hey mikasa, you say looking like a milf like always huh you smirk as you give her a kiss on the cheek.

Awwwwe how come I didn't get one Sasha pouts , you sigh and walk over to her and give her a kiss on the cheek, then you look over and you see the rest of them pouting as in,all i mean , eren, Connie and armin,

You look at them and shake your head no.

WHAT? THATS NOT FARE AND YOU KNOW IT Y/N, Connie whines , he's right y/n we where nothing but good to you, please y/n.

They all fall down on there knees, your one of the biggest milfs here, our quennn, our savior says the three boys,

People walk by and give all 6 of you weird looks.

Fine, just get up already, eren lines up first , you kiss his cheek next is Connie you kiss his cheek, last but not least  armin as your going to kiss his cheek ,he moves his face real quick, and you kiss his lips, still as sweet as ever, armin says eren begins yelling , WHY DID YOU KISS MY GIRLFRIEND,COME HERE , the two boys begin running inside Connie follows quickly after with his Snapchat camera out.

You three girls laugh, and follow behind them, eren trips over someone foot.

Oi stop running brat, eren looks up at Levi from the ground ,its just a kiss, i could kiss y/n anytime i wanted to, and you wouldn't do shit.

Watch me, Levi comes up to you and lift your chin up and gives you a light peck on the lips, and he turns back to eren and smirk at him, what you gon do ?.

You smile up at levi,he looks back at you and an smirk your mine now he cant protect you like i can,he wraps his arm around you.

Thats cute Levi your smooth, if eren ever fail ill come to you next I promise you wink at him as you remove his arm from around you.

Jean walk pass and sees eren on the ground looking crazy, what are you doing man get up.

Bro armin, and levi just kissed my girl,  who y/n , yea says eren with a frown on his face ,

Bro i did more than that to her , he smirks and pats eren on the shoulder heading to class.

As eren was about to go chase after him, you grab his hand and pull him to class.

After you all sit your seats, armin sitting in the middle row front desk jean sitting behind him,
Eren sitting  the row next to armin second seat next to jean, you sitting behind eren , mikasa behind you ,Sasha behind jean,

And all the way in the back was Ymir , next to historia .

You guys had all your classes together, yall where the most popular in your grade , in the school, the whole school, knew you guys.

You guys had an unbreakable bound, as you guys, get your stuff out you happen to look at armin, you whisper  he looks back , yea wassup?

Is that a new tattoo, on the back of your neck , you say, yea he says as he  put his thumbs up, you like it?

Yea , it look sexy you say as you bite your lip,he winks and turns back around

"Armins cute" you say in your head

Class! We have new students, ooooo plural, you say out loud , yes y/n more than one

Stop teach you got me all excited, she looks at you and smile,

You look at them as they all come in,
You and eren look at each other in wide eyes

Oh. My.gosh.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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