The sun was about to set when they finally pulled up to the C.D.C. Tommy got out of the car and pulled out his gun, making sure to grab his old mask and knife, surveying the area. He would need the mask and knife in order to be identified.

Tommy grimaced when the stench of the rotting corpses hit him, body's were everywhere, decaying on the ground. He surveyed their surroundings. Noting the couple stragglers stumbling about.

They were too far away to be a problem, so Tommy ignored them.

They all huddled around each other, the capable fighters surrounding the people that couldn't. They all covered their noses to try to fend off the stench, even though it didn't do much.

When they got to the doors Rick and Shane rushed forward, checking any and all possible ways to open them. Tommy hung back, there was no way for them to be opened, at least not from the outside.

Tommy surveyed the top of the doors, quickly finding a camera. The teen averted his eyes from the camera in search for his brothers

As soon as he met eyes with Purpled, he put away his gun. Purpled and Techno quickly made their way to his side.

The teen stared directly at the camera. "Mighty fine night we are having here Doctor, are the rats still a problem?" the boy asked, much to the confusion of the people around them.

They waited, distantly hearing Rick yell in the background and the groans of walkers all around them, but they didn't move. Tommy narrowed his eyes when he saw the camera move, proving that someone was in there, proving someone heard him.

The group behind them were whispering amongst themselves desperately, Tommy heard someone call his name but he ignored it, sole focus on the camera in front of them. A silent challenge to the person behind it to ignore the code. He knew realistically, that if the person behind the camera were to ignore them, there was nothing they could do, but the person didn't need to know that.

Just as everyone else was about to head back, the doors opened, revealing a blinding white light. Tommy and many others shielded their eyes from the light with their arms.

Quickly everyone grabbed their things and rushed in, Tommy, Purpled, and Techno taking up the rear.

When they got inside they all stood around with their guns raised, surveying the area for any potential threats.

Just when Rick yelled hello they heard the sound of a gun cock. Everyone's guns snapped to the noise.

A man was standing there with a gun pointed at them. Tommy zeroed in on him, pistol pointed straight to the man's head. The man was holding a rifle and was wearing a gray t-shirt and sweatpants. He Looked like he'd seen better days, which was not a good sign for their group.

"Anybody infected?" the man yelled, still not putting his gun down.

Rick was the one to answer the man. "One of our group was. He didn't make it."

The man nodded slightly, before turning his attention to Tommy and his brothers. "Why are you here? What do you want? How do I know you are who you say you are?"

Tommy spoke up before Rick could answer, raising his 'Theseus' blade for the man to see. His authoritative tone surprised everyone in their group, except Techno and Purpled, who just straightened up subconsciously.

"Come take a look, on my blade is my identification code, same for my brothers. We just need a refuge, a chance. Dr. Jenner owes us a favor."

The man froze at the name. Seeming to think it over before slowly walking forward. When he was a couple feet from Tommy he reached his hand out to see the knife, reluctantly Tommy handed it over. "A chance is asking an awful lot these days-" he paused for a moment, reading the identification code on the blade, his eyes wide at the confirmation. He continued speaking. "My wife owes you guys a favor? I didn't know she had worked with your team."

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