The C.D.C

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Mentions of suicide
Mentions of death

They weren't able to drive longer than a few hours when the R.V. broke down. Forcing everyone to stop.

Everyone got out of their vehicles and gathered around a car. Tommy decided to ignore this 'meeting' and go check on Jim while he waited. (He's not worried. He's not.)

"Hey Jim, how ya feeling, big man?" The man in question was pale, sweat dripping from his face, Eyes sunken. Tommy barely managed to hold in his wince. He looked like shit.

"in pain... a lot of pain. I don't think I'm going to make the drive, Tommy." Jim weakly mumbled. Face surprisingly peaceful for what he had just said, most likely having come to terms with this a while ago.

Tommy nodded in understanding. "Do you want us to stop bringing you? Leave you here? Or... " he didn't finish that sentence letting the unspoken 'end it' sit in the air.

Jim chuckled weakly, seeming to understand what Tommy was insinuating, before he stopped to ponder it. "I- I think I wanna go peacefully, not in the back of some R.V... I wanna see nature before I go." Jim stated, words slow and quiet as he spoke.

Tommy nodded, already planning how to notify the others of this plan. "I'll let them know." Jim nodded once but then grimaced from the movements. Tommy took that moment to leave.

When he exited the R.V. he noticed a car was missing. But shrugged it off, they probably went to get stuff for the R.V. He swiftly made his way over to the group.

"Jim wants to stay, he doesn't think he'll make it to the C.D.C. and I honestly agree with him." What Tommy said cutting off whatever the others were talking about.

"That's what he told you?" Rick asked, not doubting, but just wanting confirmation. Tommy nodded.

At that moment the missing car came back revealing Shane, T-Dog, Quackity, and Purpled. Purpled nodded to Tommy and Techno, coming to stand by Tommy's side. Shane moved to stand next to Rick.

"Jim wants us to leave him here." Lori spoke. Causing Shane to snap. "What? Just leave him here and take off? I'm not sure if I could live with that." Shane's displeasure was apparent by his tone of voice.

"If It's what he wants, might as well give him one last choice." Techno added, shutting down Shane's argument. Tommy hoped this didn't turn into another argument with Shane.

Rick nodded at what Techno said. Shane looked down. "Well, does anyone else have an objection?" Rick asked, to be safe. When no one answered the ex-sheriff nodded, turning and walking back into the R.V. most likely to go get Jim, Techno not too far behind. Tommy was honestly surprised it was that quick, especially with how Shane reacted to it. Normally the man would object and argue till he got either his point through or his way.

Techno and Rick exited the R.V with Jim's arms around each of their shoulders, walking him up the hill next to a very shaded tree. They both slowly placed Jim so he was sitting straight up, perfect view of everything around them. One by one people walked up and said their goodbyes, mood somber. Tommy heard sniffling from some of their members when they murmured to the man.

When it was Tommy's turn, he walked forward and kneeled, meeting Jim's eyes.

"Goodbye, King. Make sure to give whatever higher power is up their hell for me, okay?" Tommy joked, keeping an easygoing smile on his face. Jim weakly chuckled and nodded. Too weak to speak. Tommy nodded back and got up, giving one last wave to the man before turning away.

Tommy felt nothing as he got back in his, Purpled and Techno's vehicle, this was just another person, he didn't even know the man that well. So feeling any kind of emotion was useless, it could cloud his judgment and get him killed.

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