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Annette Heppon

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Annette Heppon

     I slept that night better than most. That gave me the courage to Do something different. I went downstairs again in the morning. I wanted to do something,but I needed to do something this morning. I slowly snooped around the house trying something to do, anything that needed to be fixed or clean, but after looking everywhere. Nothing needed to be done, everything was perfect. Nobody noticed what I was doing, it was already late in the morning. So I assumed everyone was working. So I went to the kitchen.
      By the smell of it, breakfast was already made and eaten. Food was never appealing to me.Would Strike me was the smell of burnt Coffee. From the look on the pot, it had been made a while ago. Clearly the coffee beans were expired. So I dumped the pot out, and began opening the cabinets. Searching for a new bag. I found the new one behind the expired one.
      With some success I was able to make a new pot. It tasted and smelled better. Taking a cup and blanket. I made my way toward the porch, laying the porch on my lap, I slowly began to sip my coffee. By the time I sat down, the sun was halfway in the sky.
       People walked passed, didn't say a word, didn't even acknowledge my presence and walked away. I would say I appreciated it, but for some reason it made me sad. I went to take a sip of my coffee but it was empty. Wrapping the blanket around me. I stood up and started to make my way back to the kitchen, but behind me someone called out.
      "Excuse me?" I turned around to meet the eyes of two men. Cowboys. Well I assumed they were cowboys. One has sunglasses and a bandana wrapped around his neck with the one next to him flannel and Carhart jacket. I could see a badge sticking out of his pocket. I could tell from his stance that he was some kind of law Enforcement agent.It made me nervous.
      "Excuse me, miss?"
"How can I help you?". My voice is quiet but it is still able to get the point across.
"We're looking for Mr. Dutton". The man in the bandana asks "Do you happen to know where he is ?".
"No, he's not in the house". I lean on the porch beam, wrapping the blanket around me tighter, getting defensive. "Why are you looking for him"
The man with the badge starts laughing, elbowing the man next to him in the ribs, making him uncomfortable.
"I'm sorry," The man with the badge says." I'm Ryan and this Colby, we're wranglers on the ranch".  I nod my head, starting to feel dumb for asking.Colby must have noticed the on my face because now he was the one elbowing Ryan. Causing him to stop laughing.
      We just stood awkwardly for what had felt like hours but were only minutes. "Check towards the barn. I heard voices and steps earlier go that way"Pointing towards the collection of barns and fences. Ryan just nods and begins to walk awa.While Colby yells out a "Thank you" and follows him.
      I silently cursed myself expecting a better introduction. I make my way back to my chair only to see someone sitting next to it.
     "Hope they weren't causing you trouble". I shake my head," No they weren't trouble at all, in fact they were looking for you ". John scoffs in response. I settled down remembering, I was supposed to grab more coffee before the cowboys interrupted me. I stood up again picking up the blanket, folded it, and put it on the chair , and then grabbed the empty mug on the side table. I noticed John's was empty as well. "Would you like more coffee?". John doesn't say anything, stands up and begins to follow me into the kitchen. Where the pot was still warm. I pour him before mine. No sugar. No cream. I slid his coffee  across the counter as I leaned against the cabinets opposite of him.
    "I apologize for ignorance" His words surprised me, but also confused me. He notices my confused look." My family and I should have checked on you more"
"Oh- no you have been nothin but kind to me since my stay here," As I am ramble, self conscious over the fact I haven't even said thank you." You guys have gav-"
" I wasn't talking about that Annette" . Then. Right there, the words that shock me to my soul. I see the look in John's eyes. It's guilt. He knew. He knew.
"I never trusted Dylan, I knew. He was going to be mad at that ranch. For what we did to his father and to him, but I never thought he would take it out on you". And there it is again, the numbing feeling, the coping feeling nowgone  again. I quickly hid the tears that were trying to escape my eyes. John walks around the counter, reaching out, but I step away. Trying to regain composure. Smoothing out my shirt. "It's not your fault" I say, reaching out for my coffee, finishing the cup. "It's been a long time coming. That night" I pause, taking a deep breath. "That night that Rip found me, it was the last straw for me. I couldn't stay there any more. So what I did was best for me, and..What I did is what I had to do.
     John nods, says nothing, processing everything I just said. "Thank you John."I tell him sincerely. ''If you still feel  truelyguilty, all I ask is one favor".
     "Anything". I sigh, "I think I might be staying for a while." That makes John chuckle." Once I finish healing, I would like to make myself useful around the ranch".
"I could see what I could, but don't be surprised with Low man's work" I laugh at John's bad attempt at a joke as I put my mug in the sink.
'I wouldn't mind it, it's not the worst thing I ever did' I sniped while walking out of the kitchen.
"Annette, wait." I stop and turn in the doorway."I knew your mother, she would be proud of you"
    " I know ". I smiled before I continued and walked upstairs.


I apologized for the wait. Writers block has been killing me . Plus this chapter is not how I expected to be at first, but I made it worked. Anyways hoped you enjoyed!

Wait in the Truck ~ Yellowstone Original حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن