Hopefully Ark will suspect that I will return to my father, and won't know to come to Caspian's.

He's smart though. He will track me down eventually.

Caspian's estate is drenched in near complete darkness as we draw close. I once wanted to get as far away as possible from this place, and now, I want inside is desperately.

I promptly thank the man before rushing toward the entrance of the manor as if Ark is right behind me, ready to drag me back into the shadows.

The guards step in front of the doors as I approach.

"Princess?" One of them questions, gaping at me.

As far as everyone knows, I went missing. I'm not sure if they knew I was kidnapped, but surely my father figured, since it happened the night the rebels broke in.

"C...Caspian...where is he?" I ask frantically.

I look over my shoulder into the darkness, shuddering. I know Ark wouldn't have gotten to me yet, but I can't shake the uncomfortable feeling like I'm being watched.

"He's upstairs in his room," the guard tells me, leading me inside, closing the large double doors behind me. "Allow me to take you to the healer."

I frown, following his gaze, realising he's looking at my leg.

The fabric around my knee has ripped away, revealing a nasty gash. I don't even remembering falling, although I suppose I was mostly concentrating on not freezing to death.

"It's just a graze, I'm fine," I say dismissively.

The guard rubs his head, considering what to do. I'm the Princess, and I'm demanding that I be brought to my husband. Who is he to deny me, even if I am injured?

"Get the Prince. Now!" He growls to another guard.

The poor man rushes off up the stairs, while the other guard regards me curiously.

"I was kidnapped...by my personal guard," I tell him urgently. I know there are more guards around, but a million doesn't seem like enough to protect me from Ark.

"Everything is okay now, you're safe," the guard assures me.

"I'm not safe. I'm not ever going to be safe, and I need to warn Caspian," I insist.

My panic is causing my voice to rise, echoing through the grand foyer. They don't understand how serious this is. My freedom is on the line, and more importantly, their lives are on the line, and they don't seem to care.

"Miss, please calm down. We will protect you," he assures me, motioning to the weapon strapped to his hip.

"No, you don't understand-"


I look up, seeing Caspian quickly making his way down the sweeping stairs, concern and disbelief written all over his face. He may have thought I was killed by the rebels...if Ark wasn't my mate, I probably would be.

"Caspian." I meet him at the bottom of the stairs, letting him grab a hold of me. "I was kidnapped."

"By who?" He looks down over me, noting my injury, his brows drawing together.

I hesitate, but only for a second. "Ark, my personal guard."

He needs to know in order to make the right movements onwards. Ark isn't worth protecting, whether he is my mate or not.

Caspian winces, already anticipating the answer.

"Fuck," he growls, sweeping a hand through his messy hair. "I knew I didn't trust him."

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