"We're hereee!" Ikki claps her hands wildly and launches herself off of Oogi, a surge of air under her feet cushions her landing. Meelo howls and soars away from the bison after his sister.

          "Everyone's feet are to remain on the ground!" Tenzin hollers at his children.

One by one, each of them slide down the side of the beast. Another automobile is parked on the street waiting to take them the rest of the way to the twins' birthday party. The moment Halah's feet hit the concrete, her stomach twists with anxiety. Tenzin is already beside her and pulls her into a side-hug. He brushes his hand up and down her arm, giving her wordless encouragement, silently reminding her he will always remain at her side. She smiles up at him as he leads her to the open door of the car.

The sidewalk surrounding the banquet hall is lined with folks dressed in their most expensive attire and vendors loudly beckoning them to get a taste of the grilled meats and vegetables steaming under their canopies, lanterns and flags to be sold wave in the light breeze. Mothers doing their to wrangle their children running through the streets without causing a scene amuses Halah, others hold the arm of their husbands mingling with men wishing to be the most successful person in the room with an overflowing bank account to prove it. The arrogance radiating from the crowd is nauseating already, and they haven't even made it out of the car yet.

          Once again, they get their own exclusive entrance near the backside of the building where more important-looking people are escorted inside by their personal staff. The car door is opened for them by a man in a perfectly tailored grey and gold suit who takes the hand of everyone who exits the car, but Halah avoids his touch and any possible eye contact... and, honestly, her hands are sweating like there's no tomorrow. If he knows who he was helping out of the car, she isn't too keen on witnessing his realization or enduring any comments and questions. Couldn't they have just flown to the banquet hall on Oogi? Is there not a secret entrance on the roof or something?!

          The combination of hundreds of voices meshing into one loud buzz can be heard from outside of the building. Each time the door opens, the noise level multiplies and then fades to a muffle as the door shuts. Occasional laughter and clinking of glasses would overpower the chatter for a moment. The combination of sounds causes her surroundings to flicker.

The world swims, and her environment darkens to a sickeningly familiar hallway, and the weight of that dreadful black mask that concealed her identity for years pulls at her face. The soft, excited footsteps of those around her become hurried, heavy footsteps full of purpose and authority. No longer is Halah strolling to the banquet hall with the airbenders, but her mind portrays her security team of Amon's men at her side, leading her to the arena where he held one of his biggest rallies yet. The one where he revealed his secret weapon: the Obsidian Fury. Halah. A fearsome warrior meant to wipe out any bender in her path.

Halah forces her eyes down to her hands before her performance can force its way into her memory. She staggers on her feet at the illusory blood soaking her palms, growing dizzier by the second as she nears the door. Her mind decides to play more tricks on her and tunnel her vision like a warped, melting painting, and the door appears to drift further and further away. The volume of her frantic breaths echoing in her ears drowns out the commotion from inside and becomes a high-pitched ringing. She wants to turn and ask Iroh if it's too late to turn back, but the vomit climbing up her throat forces her mouth shut.

          As if he can read her mind, Iroh glances at her over his shoulder to see how she'd been holding up. But his smile drops, and he double-takes. Her wild eyes darting around and the dot of blood staining her palms and under her nails where she's picked at the crescent-shaped scabs. Her complexion resmbles that of when he first found her.

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