Future Team Arrow 5

Start from the beginning

🔦: Do you mean that as a compliment or an insult?

🏵: Both. More so just hoping it got him to actually participate in the chat 🤷‍♀️

🏒: ...

📱: Okay, fine! Maybe I am overbearing

💻: Maybe?!

📱: Well, only from a certain perspective...

💻: Wow, just wow...

💪: I've never seen William get so angry before

🗡: Me neither

🔦: Just because he isn't "always" angry like Mia doesn't mean he can't get mad

🥊: Did you just seriously make a comic book reference?

🔦: Yes! And that means you actually got the reference!

🔦: I knew you liked comic books, too 😁

🥊: One, say that again and I'll break off another one of your fingers and two, it's only because you've used that joke before!

🔦: Oh... nevermind.

🏵: Lol

💻: If you'd just give me the chance to show you how good I can be at hacking then, I could help you

📱: It's not that I don't believe you're good at it, William. It's just that the more you work with me, the closer you are to danger

🗡: Can't be worse than what Mia does to him

🥊: True.

🔦: 🤣

📱: Don't encourage this, Roy!

🗡: I wasn't. Just stating the facts, Felicity

📱: Ugh... 🤦‍♀️

🏵: Dad, you ever going to show up?

🏒: ...

💻: So what? You're always going to shut me out of your life?!

📱: I didn't say that, William

🗡: Anyone else notice how William argues just like Oliver?

🔦: As long as it wasn't just me 🙃

🥊: 🙄

💻: You didn't have to say it, mom

📱: William, please!

William Clayton/Queen 💻 has left the group chat

🔦: If he left, how is the chat still open?

📱: Because I hacked into it just before he left so, I'd take control of the chat

🔦: Um... okay

🥊: Typical Felicity 🙄

📱: I was only trying to help, Mia

🥊: Like always 😒

🗡: And so our suffering begins...

💪: What are you talking about?

🗡: As soon as people start leaving, things start to grow tenser and tempers flare

🥊: Including yours, right?

🗡: Yes.

🔦: Were you like a therapist before you became a vilgante, Roy?

🗡: Kinda, for a few months, yeah. But that's a story for another day

🥊: Like you say about everything 😒

🗡: Another true statement

🔦: 🤣

📱: Guys, I'm going to be calling in one of my contacts for help to defeat Galaxy One later today

💪: Sounds good, but make sure to call me If you need backup

📱: 👍

🥊: So, you're not even going to try and talk to Willy?

📱: I just don't think it's the right time, Mia

🥊: What? So, over two decades isn't enough time for you to come up with an apology!

🗡: Told you tempers were bound to flare

🏵: Dad, are you ever coming?!

🏒: ...

🔦: I think we've lost him 😔

🏵: 🤦‍♀️

📱: Please just let your brother and I figure this fight out on our own

🥊: No, because he's too nice to actually stand up to you

🥊: Luckily for him, I'm not.

💪: Are we ever going to have one of these chats where we actually talk about the mission?

🏵: Probably not

🔦: 😅

📱: Ok, maybe now would be a good time to end the chat

🥊: Mom, you need to listen to this!

📱: Ok, Mia. I'm listening, honestly

🥊: See, that's my point!

📱: What do you mean?

🥊: My point is that you give me all the attention when I don't want any of it and you ignore the kid who actually wants to talk to his mom!

🗡: It's really nice of you to defend your brother like that, Mia


🗡: Almost like how Oliver always tried to defend Thea...

🥊: I'm done!

📱: Wait, Mia! Please don't go 🙏

Mia Smoak-Queen 🥊 has left the group chat

🗡: And so, there were six.

📱: 🤦‍♀️

🏒: Hey, Zoe! I made it here, baby girl

🏵: Took you long enough 😒

💪: Where were you all this time?

🏒: Trying to order a coffee at this really fancy shop near the mayoral office

💪: Not a reason to be ditching us.

🏒: Fair enough, D. I was also trying to get more votes, but turns out, most people don't exactly like me

💪: 😂

🏵: Not really surprising considering your a politican, after all

🔦: Yeah, that's a good enough reason by itself

🗡: Agreed.

🏒: 🤷‍♂️

📱: Sorry about this, Rene, but I think we need to end the chat so, we don't get tracked

🏒: Okay 😥

🏒: Talk later, Zoe?

🏵: I'll see if I can make time, dad 😉

🔦: Bye, everyone 👋

🗡: Bye

💪: Good luck dealing with all the family issues, Felicity

📱: I'm going to need it 😔

Felicity Smoak-Queen 📱 has ended the group chat.

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