Chapter 1

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It's seems even since Diaovol had told us about the return of Queen Rose and the competition The house of lamentation has not been the same.
Asmodus has been more into his beauty lately. Not too out of ordinary aside from constantly talking about how he will win the competition. Mammon also has been this way as well. Like he is obsessed with this Princess rose competition.

We are now at the dinner table. I was on my D.D.D while watching footage of Trixie and Katya . Two drag queens  I came to admire. Trixie with her big blond hair and vintage throwback dresses or pink swimsuit. While Katya is more a mature looking woman. A high class hooker with red lips. Less playful but sometimes can be a bit- much. Still love her cause I feel more confident knowing that can wear whatever I want and it's okay be a slut ( in theory).

" who are those to two women ? " Beel lean over by me.
" they are actually men but are drag queens".
" I think you mention about this before- it's a human entertainment where they put shows on in costume right?" Satan look up from his D.D.D.
" your right, it's a performance usually to be an exaggerated and appearance of gender- doesn't this whole competition feels like like that?"
I mean dressing up and competing to win sounds a lot like drag race?
" mmh the you way put it then yeah you could it's just that "
After Satan said that both Asmo and Mammon came with smiles.
" Ezekiel!~ your just the person we need now" Asmo sings out loud.
" Is about the Princess Rose competition?"
" Yes, we want you to help us ! " both Mammon and Asmo said in unison.
" Sure but don't you need someone else ? Like someone with more experience than I am?"
I won't consider myself a professional at makeup or even drag makeup. Of course of do some drag makeup but it's not meant to seen in public. I mean not a lot of trans men who are proud to be feminine. Of course this is Devildom which seems to doesn't have this social aspect following.
The longer I stay here the more prominent it's becomes that my worries and fears are all just made up in my head.

" Hello? Earth to Ezekiel !"
As soon I snap out I look too see Mammon was only inches away from my face.
" what?"
Dammit there I go overthinking on a simple request.
" Hey don't tell him! He probably is overwhelmed being ask to help by the most beautiful demon here- me!"
Asmo flips his flips.
He is pretty for sure I guess this won't hurt.

" I will support and help you both of !"
Both of them hug me and started to cooed over me.  Hopefully I will able to go through this without a hitch.

May the best Dame winKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat