3d persons pov

Bakugou gose to the bathroom to clam himself down and then serch for Asahi.

Wait.-says Bakugou realising something.
Isnt Asahi with his cousins?Omg i totally forgot.I dont want to mess with them.I'm not in the mood.Still i am stronger than them.Bakugou says chearing himself up a bit.

After some min of Bakugou talking to himself in the bathroom the bell rang making bakugou flinch.

Damn.This class i have English.

After school(yo guys i'm lazy as fuvk and my back hurts.I think i truned old really soon but when i say really i say really soon.)

Finally school is over now i can go to my house and  sleep.

Bakugou finally arrvies home and sees his mom cook dinner and his dad whatching the news.

I'm home!

Welcome home son.-says Masaru

Welcome brat.-says Mitsuki

Call me when dinner is ready.Says katsuki going upstairs to his room to change and listen to music for a bit.Music always clams Bakugou down when he is upset and tired.
Next day

The day for Bakugou has been the same the differenc is that he doesnt stay with dekus group all the time and he cant even talk to Asahi beacuese of his cousins staying like bodyguards.
He is all alone all the time,thinking what is going to happen next,what should he do all the time.Should he go try make new friends?Nah everyone hates him.


Someone said that is in front of Bakugou and made Bakugou to look at that person.

(Well he is sitting to a corner and its luch time and its has been a week now)

When he saw the person that said hey to him his eyes were fulled with shock and anger and with the face Bakugou was making you can read it like an open book.

Can i sit next to you and talk?

"..."No words

The person did take that as a no but he still wanted to talk to the blond boy that is sitting alone.Then he sited next to him.

Leave.The angry blond said but his tone came out soft,not like he wanted it to be.

Please.I really want to talk to you.

Kai dont make me angry.

I promise its going to be quick and then i will leave.

"..."No words.Fine hurry then.

Thank you.Well i wanted to apologize to you for so long but i never get the chance.I am really sorry for what i did to you that day an-

Kai.The blond says not leting kai finish what he was about to say.
I dont really know how you have the balls to apologize to me so easly like it meant nothing.The blond says looking at kai and not the ground anymore.

No!It really means so much for me how i played you like that!I shouldn't have not done that in the first place!


I'm not lying!Please hear me out!

How much are you going to say lies!?Huh!?

Why would i say lies!?

Well like you played me!Isnt that the best reasion!?You even started to make out with your little ugly ass bitch girlfriend infront of me while i was being beaten up like i was nothing just a punching bag without any mercy.

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