Scars you don't see

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Soda has been acting differently. The once happy and reckless boy has suddenly been replaced by scared and quiet replacement. Steve becomes worried about Soda, because this isn't like him. It all started after one, terrible night.

Tw (just to let you know. Skip if you want.)

-Steve's POV-

'Where is he?!?!?' I thought to myself. Where is Soda? He's been gone for eight hours! I called him twice every hour! He never answered.

It was already 5:00 am when Soda finally walked through the door.

"Where on god's green earth have you been?!?!?" I asked him. I was pissed. "I'm sorry, I got caught up with something." He said blandly. He didn't bother to look up at me. "Bullshit! You've gotta be a fool if you think I believe that! You were supposed to be home 8 hours ago!" He didn't say anything and just walked past me.

"Soda! This discussion isn't done!" I grabbed his arm and jerked it away from me. "I don't wanna talk right now, Steve." I grabbed his sweater and yanked him back. I made him face me and his hood fell off.

I gasped at the sight. His face was covered with bruises and his lip had been cut.

"What the hell, Soda?!!!?" He didn't say anything. "Where did you get these from?!??" "I got into a fight, alright!" He walked away from me. "What the fuck do you mean by you got into a fight?!?" He didn't respond and went straight into the bathroom. I tried to follow him but he locked the door.

"Bastard." I mumbled under my breath. I went on the couch and sat down. I was terrified! And he didn't care! I thought he was kidnapped and I would have to call the police! Or he was murdered and I wouldn't have known! And he just walks in all casually and says he got into a fight! That...dddhsb I can't even say what I wanna because he's my boyfriend!

I'm just glad he's home. I laid my head back, and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up at around 11:30 to find that nothing was out of the ordinary. I stretched a bit and rose from the couch. I walked over to mine and Soda's room to find Soda just sitting there, emotionless, staring at the ceiling.

"Morning, baby." I said drowsily. He jumped a bit. "Oh. Morning Stevie." He smiled. He didn't sleep, I know it.

"I'm gonna go make breakfast, alright?" I told him. "Yeah I'll be out in a second." He replied.

That was only the beginning of what I never expected.

Soda started staying up more, only times he'd sleep he was awoken by nightmares. I'd wake up to him crying in a fetus position. It would take me hours to calm him down. He'd start spacing out at work, which his boss wasn't happy about since he could barely get work done. He hated going out which shocked me because he normally loved hanging out with the gang and such. He started being more jumpy. I'd touch his shoulder and he'd get defensive. He started picking up more fights with me for no reason like c'mon! This wasn't Soda!

This was some damn replacement that I don't know!

It only got worse from there. He couldn't take showers, he'd go days without then to the point I would have to shove him inside the bathroom. He didn't wanna talk to me, like he sheltered himself from the world. His brothers even called me and said that Soda hadn't called them in awhile.

Something was wrong, I knew it.

Tonight, we got into another argument. This time it was about telling him to see his brothers. "Go see your brothers! They're worried! You haven't called them in weeks!" I yelled. "Why do I need to talk to them? They have their own lives! I don't need to be involved!" He yelled back.

"THEY HAVEN'T HEARD FROM YOU IN WEEKS!" I empathized weeks. "SO WHAT?!?!?" This was getting old. "Why do they care?!?! I got my own problems!" He yelled. "You're problems can be easily fixed by getting your act up! You do nothing but lay in bed! You don't even sleep! You're acting weird! We're all worried for you!" I walked closer to him. He stepped back.

"Is it because you got into a fight? It was just a fight sure it can be traumatizing but not to this point!" He didn't respond. "Sodapop Patrick Curtis will you fucking answ-" "I was raped okay! Happy now? Y'know the truth!" His face contorted from anger to sadness to disgust to nothing. I froze.

"I came home late that night because I was raped, Steve! I didn't want to tell you! Okay?!?" He started sobbing. "Soda..." I tackled him into a bear hug and held him as he cried. I didn't even care that he smelled, or that he hadn't change out of his pjs. I just wished that it was all some sick prank. But it wasn't.

"I was just walking home and then some guy pulled me into his van. I tried to fight him off but he punched me and I passed out. I woke up and..." He started to cry harder. "It was Buck, Steve." I...OH I'M GONNA KILL HIM!

"Shh...Alright, alright. I hear you." What am I supposed to say here? "Go take a shower and the we'll talk about this." I sent him off to go shower.

How do I break this to the gang?

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