Chapter 5

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Burt approached Paris at the bar. 

"Paris? You okay?" said Burt.

Paris looked at the boy and smiled softly. "Yeah. I guess I don't have to compete."

"Sweetheart, you can do it if you tried" said Burt.

"But how can I be in a talent show if I have little to no talent?" said Paris.

"I have almost no talent and I'm still Robin" said Burt.

"Oh please. You're famous. It's always been easy for you" said Paris.

"Easy? That's not how I remember it. I was chosen out of eleven hundred young actors who were auditioning" said Burt.

"You were? What about you stood out?" said Paris.

"Well... I didn't know until the producer told me" said Burt.

"The producer told you what stood out? Spill, Burt!" said Paris excitedly.

Burt laughed and said "He said to me "Burt, if there really was a Robin, forgetting television. If there really was a Robin, it would be you." And because of that, they told me not to act. They told me to just be myself and be enthusiastic."

"Holy moly! That is easy for you!" said Paris.

"It is now. But auditioning wasn't. So now, a lot of the things Robin does on TV is stuff that I came up with. I guess what I learned is that my biggest talent is being myself" said Burt.

"Wow!" Paris gasped.

"And you know what, sweetheart? I think that's your best talent too. Ever since I met you, you've proved it by not being afraid of it" said Burt.

"Gee, Burt. I think you're right!" said Paris. 

"So maybe you could do something that makes you happy in the talent show. What makes you happy?" said Burt. 

"Well... the main thing I look forward to when I come to work is seeing Nigel and Patrick. I'm always so excited to see them" said Paris. 

"Then that's your talent. You could join Nigel and Patrick on their act. It makes you happy and you can actually do something at the same time" said Burt.

"You think they'd let me?" said Paris.

"Of course they would! Come on" said Burt. 

Brooklyn's Red Carpet ep. 10- "I Got Nothing"Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin