Chapter 2

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The next day, Paris stood behind the bar and pondered what she could do in the talent show.

"You really can't win a talent show by serving wine" she said to herself.

Burt Ward came into the lounge for breakfast, and Paris immediately got an idea for what she could do.

"Oh, Burt! Burt, could I see you for a minute?" she called.

Burt smiled at the girl then strutted towards her.

"Good morning, Paris" he said.

"Morning, Burt. I just wanted to tell you I have a great idea for my talent show act" said Paris.

"What's that?" said Burt.

"You're an actor, right?" said Paris.

"A famous one on the first role, yeah" answered Burt.

"Okay. So I just thought maybe a little thespian prowess would be the perfect talent. But I'd like some pointers from you" Paris explained.

"You want an acting lesson?" Burt guessed.

"Sure! You must be a pro if you're famous on the first role" said Paris.

"Gosh, Paris. I sure appreciate the compliment, but..." Burt started.

"Please? The talent show's tomorrow. I gotta do something and acting was my best option" Paris pleaded.

Burt thought on it for a second then said "Well... alright. But keep in mind that I'm new to this too."

"It's well screwed into my mind, Burt" said Paris.

Burt laughed at her joke then decided to get to it.

"Let's see... I'm often told that some actors get their big break from doing what they do best. What do you do best?" he said.

"Well... most of what I do relies on my brain. I'm a philosophy major at school, but I kinda doubt that'll get me into a talent show" said Paris.

"Philosophy? It is a little nerdy for a talent show if you ask me. What else are you at least learning to do?" said Burt.

"Let's see. I've been taking piano lessons since I met Nigel and Patrick" said Paris.

"Patrick plays the piano, honey" said Burt.

"But he plays his own material. I've been learning how to play classical music" said Paris.

"Huh" said Burt with interest.

"I actually think it's boring. I fell asleep just thinking about it" said Paris.

"That explains the drool and bad breath" Burt joked. 

Brooklyn's Red Carpet ep. 10- "I Got Nothing"Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon