Last Day

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Phillip woke up bright and early at six o'clock. There, he got ready in his usual outfit, grabbing his bright red backpack and leaving, grabbing candy cane for breakfast, even if it wasn't practical.

Phillip rushed over to the elementary school, and ran inside. There weren't many kids there, maybe a handful, and barely any teachers were even there.

Taking the time he had, he shoved the paper into Damiens locker and returned to his own, only a few feet away from him.

Phillip waited outside on the steps, doodling in his notebook, humming. That is until Butters arrived. "Gee whiz, Pip, I've never seen you here before me!" Butters greeted, sitting down next to him. "What'cha drawing?"

Pip looked up and shrugged. "Nothing much, mostly just kitties and flowers." He said, showing his doodles to Butters.

"Wow, Pip! You're such an amazing artist!" Butters complimented.

"Thanks, Butters." Pip said, smiling sweetly at him.

"Wow, Butters, for once you're right." Damien said, standing over the pair.

"Oh, good morning, Damien!" Pip said, waving and putting the notebook away. "And thanks, both of you!" Pip said, blushing at being complimented.

"Hey, Pip, could you teach me how to draw at recess?" Damien asked.

"Oh my! Of course! I'd be delighted to!" He said, standing up with Butters.

Damien smiled, walking inside. "I'm gonna go to the restroom really quick, be right back!" Phillip said, rushing to the bathroom.

"K." Damien answered, opening his locker, finding the note fall to the ground. Opening, it read it. "Another one!?" He shouted, gaining some glances, embarrassed, he shoved it into his bag and grabbed his books, shutting it.

Stopping by the boys restroom, he shouted. "Pip! I'm going to class!" Damien yelled, Butters had left to hang out with someone else while they entered.

When the bell finally rang, Pip rushed into the room, others following. Damien was entertaining himself by drawing on his hand with a black marker.

After class, the recess bell signaled. "Damien!" Phillip called over. Damien rushed over to him, a broken wooden pencil in his hand, sharpened so sharp that it could stab someone. And probably would.

The boys went outside, sitting underneath the slide. "Okay, are you ready?" Pip asked.

"Yeah!" Damien said, smiling widely, his hands into fists that he threw up and down excitedly.

Moving closer, Phillip set the notebook on both his and Damiens lap. "So, for a head, make a circle!" He directed, making one. Damien followed in his steps.

Damien angerly threw down his pencil. "Ugh! It doesn't even look like yours! That's so stupid!" He yelled.

"Hey, it's okay! Yours is still quite lovely, Damien!" Pip reassured, patting his back. "Plus, practice makes perfect! And yours is perfect already."

"You really think so?" Damien asked, looking over at Pip.

"I know so!" Phillip answered, his hand resting on his back.

"Thanks, Pip." Damien said, hugging him, but stopped just as fast as it happened. "Let's go to lunch, we have orange chicken today!" Damien said, running inside, dragging Phillip with him.

"Aw, I hate orange chicken.." Pip said, frowning.

"You can have my apple, I hate apples." Damien said, looking back at Pip, who was staggering behind him clumsily.

At lunch, they ate, Damien had both his, Pip's, and seconds of orange chicken, while Pip had his apple, Damien's apple, peas, and a small salad.

"Damien?" Pip asked, putting his fork down.

Damien looked up from his plate, his face smeared with sauce, his fingers messy.

"After school, I'll give you my house number! We can call and hangout during break." Pip said.

Damien nodded, returning to his meal. Pip wondered how or why he ate like that, like he had no manners! Though, Phillip didn't mind it, he just looked silly.

They finished their lunch, occasionally chatting, then they left to their class.

Mr. Garrison pretty much just told them to read or do work, he clearly wanted to leave as quick as possible.

Damien spent his time drawing, he mostly drew small demons. While drawing, Pip walked by him, dropping the paper onto his table.

Damien read it. 'My home number:) call me after school:' followed by numbers. Damien smiled and put it in his sleeve, so he wouldn't forget about it, and his sleeves were pretty much pockets to him.

The bell rung and Damien hopped out of his chair, grabbing his things and going to his locker. He soon was finished and left, going home.

"Dad, I'm home!" He called, getting a muffled response.

Damien took the paper out and dialed it in the phone on the wall, holding it up to his ear. His dad came into the room as it was ringing.

"Hey, Damien!" His dad greeted.

"Shush! I'm on call with Pip!" Damien said, putting a finger up to his mouth and making a shushing sound. Satan put his hands up defensively.

The ringing soon stopped and Damien heard a women's voice on the other end. "Hello?" She asked.

"Hi.. Uhm, is Pip there?" Damien asked, playing with the cord.

"Yes, one second." She said, and Damien could hear her muffled talking.

"Greetings?" Pip answered.

"Hey, Pip!" Damien said, sitting down on the floor.

"Oh, Damien, hey!" Pip giggled. "What's up?"

"Nothing, just wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow, we could have a sleep over at mine!" Damien asked him.

"Yeah, okay! Come over at around... noon?" Pip said, though it sounded more like a question. "Then we can head over to yours!"

"Yeah! Okay! See you tomorrow!" Damien said, hanging up.

Satan looked over at him. "You weren't going to ask your dear dad about this?"

"Shut up, we don't have anything else going on anyway." Damien huffed. "What's my after school snack?" Damien asked, rocking on his heels.

"A granola bar, and oatmeal," his dad said.

"Were you just lazy and thought oats would be okay?" Damien asked, grabbing his food. His dad shrugged and Damien took a bite out of his food. "Thanks, I guess." He said, walking to the living room to watch television as he ate.

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