Zero's Twin Sister

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Another character introduction!

Name: Ultrawoman Thirteen

Age: 5,900 years old

Nicknames: Reaper Girl, Triple Eyelids

Alias: Sachie Moroboshi (Human form)

Description: Thirteen is the twin sister of Zero. She's simply mentioned as Reaper Girl by Ira. She likes to go into a cave in which she calls it as The Serene Grotto

Personality: Playful, competitive, confident, powerful, tricky, can be aggressive at times

Thirteen is a good friend of Ira, the two liked to compete in training but always ended up in a draw, sometimes having one of them being a winner. This is because her power scale is the same as Ira's, or perhaps, slightly higher than her's

Being a playful Ultra she is, she doesn't take things far too seriously unless it's an emergency

Like every siblings, she and Zero liked to argue a lot, most of the time over their
confidence on things

Although she's nice to others, she appears to be tricky, tricking some others to get something, usually with any enemies she fought with

She also has a skill of understanding ancient alphabet such as the runic alphabet

The reason she's called as Reaper Girl is because of the weapon she uses which is a scythe, a type of weapon that are usually used by Grim Reapers

Skills/Talents: Understanding ancient alphabets, competitions, using makeup

Powers and abilities: Spiritual power manipulation (Psuchēkinesis), tarot manipulation (Tarókinesis), reptilian vision, psionics

Weakness: Due to her very nature as a tricky one, she's unable to stay away from trouble

Likes: Eating sweets, small animals, candle watching, reptiles, competitions

Dislikes: Arrogance, anyone that she couldn't get along well with, people making fun of her eyes of her human form

Habit: Cracking her knuckles

Hobbies: Setting up traps, playing with her tarot cards

Fear: Worms (Scoleciophobia)

Human form

Sorry if there's like a lot of Obey Me pics, I'm kinda obsessed with the game

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Sorry if there's like a lot of Obey Me pics, I'm kinda obsessed with the game

Ratana: I'm not sure if people will care about it

Oh really?

Ratana: *Shrugs*

Bruh -_-

Ratana: You rarely play that game nowadays :/


Transformation item: Thirteen Eye

Similar to Zero's but it has 1 different color. The eyes are yellow in color like most Ultras

The base colors for the Thirteen Eye itself are blue, silver and purple

Aaaaand I guess that's it for Thirteen!

Ratana: Zero has a sister now! :D

C. Zero: I'm not the Zero she's talking about

Ratana: Well, duh! You're from a different franchise after all -_-

C. Zero: :)

C'ya Goldies! Bye bye now!

I do not own the image above

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