Ira's Brothers + Butler

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Time for Ira's brothers' to shine! Oh, and her butler too, almost forgot about him

Name: Ultraman Marcel

Age: 20-21 in the human years

Nicknames: Marcy, Nii-chan, Mars :v

Alias: Ultraman Sonne (Real name) Takeshi Tsukimaro (Tsukimaro Takeshi/ 月麿威) (Human form)

Description: Marcel is the older brother of Galliard and Ira and was one of the princes of a kingdom on his planet. He is often described as strong and reliable by his siblings

Personality: Cheerful, brave, friendly, selfless, quick witted

Talents/Skills: Fighting, motivation, good communication

Powers/abilities: High speed and agility (Almost as fast as Fuma), solar powers, fire manipulation (Pyrokinesis)

Weakness: Just because Marcel has the ability to manipulate fire doesn't mean he's immune to fire itself, if this power got out of control, burning himself will likely be possible

If Marcel goes too fast for too long, he'll be extremely exhausted then pass out because it takes him too much energy. This usually makes him have a full 9 hours of sleep before finally gaining energy again. This often irritates the Nightshade Squad during battles

Fears: Horses (Equinophobia)

The reason he fears horses is because he got kicked by one of them once, this is also because he walked behind one of the horses, nobody told him not to walk behind them

Hobbies: Hanging out with other people, playing almost every kind of guitar (Usually Electric and Accoustic), making milkshakes

Habit: Tapping on anything

Human form

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2nd brother

Name: Ultraman Galliard

Age: 17-18 in the human years

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