Infos Of My AU

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Just some info on my Ultraman AU (And useless facts)

1. Cosmos, Justice and the Tsukimaro siblings are cousins

2. The father of Cosmos and Justice is Legend (Yes, this means Cosmos and Justice are brothers in my AU)

3. Nexus and The Next are the sons of Noa

4. Ultraman Geed X Ultrawoman Grigio ship

I ship Geed X Grigio 'cuz they're 2 years apart and it's normal :3 (Geed is 19 while Grigio is 17)

And no, I DON'T ship Zero X Grigio

5. Galliard and Cosmos are basically opposites by their personalities but still got along with each other nonetheless

6. Ira is the vocalist of a rock band group: Nightshade Squad

7. Members of the Nightshade Squad:

Ira: Vocalist

Marcel: 1st Guitarist

Galliard: Bassist

Leviathan: Keyboard player

Beelzebub: Drummer

Belphegor: 2nd Guitarist

8. Hikari sometimes overwork

9. Hikari, Zero, Justice and Agul are tsunderes

10. Because Trigger is the New Gen Tiga, Trigger is known as Tiga's son

11. Either I should put Decker as Dyna's son or little bro

12. Z/Zett, Taro, Grigio, Taiga, Mebius and Astra are the big fans of the Nightshade Squad

13. Gaia and Agul are brothers

14. The Ultras from the Land of Light had a dark history with the Demon Ultras, which is why Barbatos, Leviathan, Beelzebub and Belphegor chose to use disguises to blend in

15. Cosmos is the best Kaiju veteran

16. Victory is OBSESSED with chocolate and it's his favorite snack as well

17. X won't let anybody lay their hands on his Gomora and will panic whenever Gomora is not with him

18. Mebius has cat intuitions and sometimes acts like a cat (This is because his head is designed after a cat)

19. Ginga likes to scream, shout and yell a lot sometimes

20. Victory sometimes gets called as Pirate Head

21. Dyna would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night just to eat food from the fridge

22. Because Fuma is really fast, he would sometimes bump into other people accidentally

23. Titas likes to work out along with Beelzebub

24. Nexus loves everything watermelon flavored

25. Innocent Ultras like Mebius and Grigio don't know what S and M meant (The S that I meant is an S that ends with an X while an M is a thing that H people do when they're all by themselves)

Forgive me for giving you guys dirty minds! ╥﹏╥

26. Cosmos knew what an S and M is but refuses to explain what it is, let alone doing it

27. Grigio and Mebius aren't allowed to cuss

28. Jack loves babies

29. Mebius has a piece of clothing that he likes to wear everyday

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