The boy: "There is a long line here... what to do?"
Prachi: "Don't worry, we will stand in the line"
To which he smiled and Ranbir was admiring Prachi's cute talks with the little boy.

At that time, Aryan came there and was dragging Ranbir from there: "What do you want bro? You know right I am busy right now"
To which Aryan looked at him from head to toes while Ranbir looked on confused.

Ranbir, confused: "What happened?"
Aryan: "Bro... I want ice cream"
Ranbir: "Then you go take yourself right? You're not a little boy like him"
To which Aryan looked towards the boy Ranbir was pointing at while Aryan's eyes then moved towards the girl who was holding the boy in his arms.

Aryan, teasingly: "It's ok bro... I will get ice cream on my own"
Ranbir: "What?"
Aryan: "No worries, I will get one for you also"
Ranbir: "No I don't want"
Aryan: "Ohhh as if you're not hungry... you've been working for hours now... come on Ranbir let's have some ice cream"

Ranbir: "But, ice cream?"
Aryan: "Better this than nothing..."
To which Ranbir sighed but nevertheless followed him and stood in the line and surprisingly he was standing behind Prachi and he couldn't stop himself from admiring her while she was playing and giggling with the little boy in her arms.

The little boy turned to him and saw a camera in his hand: "Photo?"
To which Prachi got confused and looked behind and she was surprised seeing him here.
Prachi: "AAP? What are you doing here ji?"
To which Ranbir kind of got cringed hearing ji from her but nevertheless replied to her.

Ranbir: "What are doing here? For that same reason only I am standing here... for ice cream"
To which Prachi smiled and looked forward.
The boy: "I want to take a picture too..."
Prachi: "No no dear, it's not a toy camera, it's a camera used by smart people"

The boy: "So what? I am also smart, I want to use it... pleachhh"
Prachi: "Please understand dear"
To which the boy started stretching his arms towards Ranbir while Prachi tried her best to stop him but Ranbir smiled and took him in his arms.

Ranbir, smiling: "You want to take a picture right?"
The boy, pouted cutely: "Yes"
Ranbir then smiled and made the boy hold the camera and he made the boy to keep his little finger in the camera press button and he arranged in such a way that he is holding it in the correct position to take the picture.

Ranbir: "What picture you want to take?"
The boy, pointing towards Prachi: "I want to take didi's picture"
Prachi looked on surprised and then towards Ranbir who was trying to stop showing his smile: "Can he take your picture if you don't mind ji😂?"
To which Prachi glared at him.

Prachi nevertheless stood properly and smiled: "Ok fine"
To which the boy looked on excited and Ranbir placed the camera in such a position so that the boy can click it properly and with his help clicked that button and clicked a pic of hers.

All these while with one eye he was admiring her and smiling looking at her while she knew that he was admiring her but she didn't show that to him.
Prachi: "Can I see that pic?"
To which the boy excitedly gave the camera to Prachi and she looked at the boy with a smile and kissed on his cheeks while Ranbir's heart was beating as the boy was right next to him😂

Prachi then took the boy in his arms and again stood in the line and soon it was the little boy's turn for ice cream and he forgot all about the camera.
Prachi smiled and kissed his cheeks and put him back on his feet and he walked away happily.

Prachi, then smiled at him: "Thank you ji😊"
Ranbir, with a smile: "No problem ji😊"
She smiled once again and left from there but she didn't know that she left a mesmerised and happy Ranbir.
Soon enough Ranbir and Aryan also got their ice creams and sat aside.

Aryan, who was silent all the while looking at all that teasingly asked: "Ok bro... she is literally occupying your thoughts"
Ranbir: "What? No no no..."
Aryan: "Come on bro, seriously you're always capturing her pics, smiling and admiring her... you're attracted to her bro"
Ranbir didn't know if he should accept or deny it.

Aryan: "It's ok bro... not every relationships will be like your previous one"
While Ranbir looked on recalling his previous break-up.

Aryan: "She's maybe not your first attraction, but the second attractions or say even second love is even more long lasting and it will be forever and ever than first love..."
While Ranbir looked on.

Aryan: "Second love is more powerful and strong than first love"
Ranbir, confused: "Why?"
Aryan: "Cause you will not repeat the mistakes you made in your first love and you will know how to handle and rectify those mistakes in case if you repeat that mistake in second love... as we will be more careful in our second love"
To which Ranbir looked on with a small smile on his face.

Aryan: "When your second love will come, you'll be older, more mature and your thinking will be more rational. You'll know yourself much better and what you really are looking for in a relationship. When you first fall in love, we often welcome it with open arms and with so much innocence"
Ranbir just kept on listening to him as his words is correct only.

Aryan: "Mark my words... first love isn't your last. Even if at the moment you feel like you've lost everything, trust me, you will love again and your second love will be even better than your first one. Your second love is better because you've learned from your mistakes... second love is more everlasting and will be so beautiful than your first love..."
To which Ranbir looked on with a smile on his face.

Ranbir: "Wahhh bro... seems like you're in a pro in this"
Aryan: "What do you think? That my wife is my first love?"
To which Ranbir looked on confused.
Ranbir: "What? Shahana is not your first love?"
Aryan: "No"
Ranbir: "Then?"

Aryan: "My first love used to be Mishti back in college, but she dumped me by saying I am a middle class person and I might not be able to stand by her needs... so she dumped me and married someone else who is way rich and a businessman and they're settled in Canada and when I saw all that I was very sad... I literally thought I lost everything but then soon I got a new girl in my life who was the exact girl I wanted my wife to be and soon enough we fell in love with each other and married each other and now look both our lives are perfect"

Ranbir: "You're right bro... but why are you both staying in two different places? Why can't you stay with Shahana?"
Aryan, teasingly: "I am waiting for you to get married so that I can bring Shahana and we both can stay in another apartment next to your apartment"
To which Ranbir smiled and chuckled at that and he looked at Prachi and remembered whatever Aryan said to him and smiled at that and he found all that true.

Ranbir: "Anyways... let's have this ice cream and get back to work"
Aryan: "Ok bro"
And they both hurriedly ate the ice creams and went for their respective works.

So guys here is the next update. I hope you all liked it.

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