Bex tells the Devils

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Rebekah's Pov

I thankfully reached home safely but that was the best night of my life for sure, not only were those girls the sweetest but they were behind my favourite clothing company, Rare Elegant and they were all goddesses, they were all drop dead gorgeous, probably the most beautiful girls I have ever seen in my entire life and they were all so innocent, they hadn't even done anything sexual except for making out and their hatred for dominant men was absolutely hilarious if they found out what type of men my brothers were, they would definitely despise them.

I opened the door to the house I shared with my brothers and walked in, "Hello, anyone there, Kol, Klaus, Elijah!" I called out. No response came back so I took the stairs upstairs

Then when I was walking along the halls, trying to find one of them, I heard moaning from one room, and then I realised I walked past Kol's bedroom, oh no, please don't tell me he's doing what I think he is doing, then I walked in without knocking...

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Then when I was walking along the halls, trying to find one of them, I heard moaning from one room, and then I realised I walked past Kol's bedroom, oh no, please don't tell me he's doing what I think he is doing, then I walked in without knocking and saw Kol on top Davina, kissing and sucking her breasts as well as Davina moaning while being hand-cuffed to the bedpost, they didn't even realise that I walked in on them so I yelled "Kol, What the fuck!". That got their attention as Davina shrieked and Kol said "Oh hello there little sister", not even minding that I caught him fucking his whore.

"I have been calling for some time but now I see you were a bit preoccupied with the slut" I said sarcastically. Davina glared at me and said to Kol "Koly, uncuff me, I sense I am not wanted her". "Alright," Kol said before taking out the keys and uncuffing her, she then pulled Kol in for a kiss and grabbed her bra and top before leaving for the bathroom.

"C'mon Bekah, I hadn't even fucked her yet, you had to come in" Said Kol, annoyed "Whatever, where are our brothers," I said. "I don't know, probably fucking their women like I was supposed to be doing," he said. "Okay, then come with me," I said grabbing his arm and dragging him towards Elijah's room, once we were in front of the door, we heard growls and groans from inside, "Ok you are going in there, I'm am going down to get a drink," Kol said before leaving.

Oh god, here goes nothing, I open the door to see my brother, completely naked on the couch while Hayley was on her knees in front of him in her basically see-through lingerie, sucking his dick, I let out a screech and covered my eyes, then I heard "Rebekah, what do you want" Elijah said in a  voice, not even bothered that I saw his whore sucking his dick, "Elijah, I need to tell you something, tell your whore to stop sucking your sausage and put some damm clothes on and that also goes for you Elijah!",  I said mad. He groaned and said, "Sorry sweetheart, we'll continue this later". "Hmmph, ok fine," Hayley said with a pout and picked up her clothes and went into the washroom. "What do you want sister," Asked Elijah when putting on his trousers. "You'll see, first I need to go find Nik, meet me downstairs in the lounge, tell Kol that too, " I said before leaving.

When I reached Nik's bedroom, I heard the loud moans of women and the ferocious growls of a man in there. , ugh oh god. I walked in on Klaus on top of Aurora, fucking her under the blankets, so to make them sense my presence, I threw a pillow at them, which made Nik say "Whoever you are, go away I'm busy", Then Aurora moaned. "Ugh, come on Nik, I have something to tell you," I said, annoyed. "Ugh, fine Bekah, sorry love, we will continue this later" Nik answered and said to her. She humphed like a brat and pouted but listened and went into the washroom. 'Alright, meet me downstairs in the lounge Nik" I said before leaving for downstairs.

When I reached the lounge, I saw Kol on his phone typing whereas Elijah was reading the newspaper, right at that moment Nik came in and sat down on one of the couches and said "Well sister, what do you need to tell us that is so important that you had to stop us from doing our activities". "Raise your hands if you think she is going to announce a new boyfriend of hers that is probably going to leave her in 1 week. No just me, okay," Kol said. I picked up a pillow and threw it at him, "Come on Kol, listen to our baby sister for once" Elijah said. I smiled at him and then just blurted out "I almost got raped!". 

The temperature in the room dropped, and the easy breeze in the room turned so thick that you could cut it with a knife, Kol looked livid, Elijah looked ready to murder and Klaus looked like the devil just got angered. "Tell me what they did," Elijah said, probably plotting a murder in his mind.

"Ok, calm down, I said almost, the most he did was take off my top and kiss me," I said, trying to defuse the tension, "Ok, so that is worth chopping his fingers off and slashing him in the chest," Nik said. I sighed, Nik was really something else, "Wait, what do you mean almost" Kol asked confused. "Well before he could really do anything, these 3 gorgeous angels or girls showed up and beat them to the ground, it was like Charlie's angels, almost," I said, remembering them fighting so gracefully and elegantly, they were really goddesses. "And then they invited me for ice cream even though I told them that I wouldn't want to intrude but they still took me with them, I got my favourite ice cream and then we talked about everything, ranging from business to girly things to boys and exes and they were so sweet and kind to me,  they are also the mastermind behind Rare Elegant, like how could such perfect girls exist, they are badass fighters and experts at self-defence with fashion sense better than everyone else on the planet but still so kind and innocent, they are literally angels from heaven or maybe Athena, Aphrodite and Artemis in disguise, I mean I wouldn't be surprised" I rambled on. "Okay dear sister, we've heard enough, but seriously, are they really as beautiful as those 3 goddesses you named," Kol asked doubting it.

"I can't believe I am saying this but Yes! yes, they are that beautiful, you know maybe they are the goddess of love, wisdom and moon" I said wondering. "Yeah, okay is that all you gotta say," Kol asked me, I sighed and nodded. "Then I'ma go back to Davina," said, waving goodbye and going upstairs, I sighed, annoyed.

"Well I must be getting back to Hayley now," Elijah said. "Yes, you wouldn't mind if go dear sister," Asked Nik. I groaned and nodded. "Thank you sister" Nik thanked me and went upstairs. Elijah was following but turned back and said to me "I'm glad you found some decent friends, Bekah". He smiled at me before leaving for upstairs, well at least one brother was decent.

Then another idea came into my head, my birthday was coming up and I knew just the person to call for planning, little Aphrodite or Caroline. I picked up my phone and dialled her number and she picked up saying "Hey bex, what are doing". "Hey, nothing really, hey I have a favour to ask you...

Rebekah had one thing made up in her mind, that her brothers would not date her new best friends and ruin their innocence, they were angels and her brothers were demons who would corrupt and break them.

Oh how wrong she was, at the end of the journey, 3 goddesses would belong to the 3 powerful gods.

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