'I already said I was showing up babe. I can't just cancel.' I said as I was playing with his hands. 'It starts in like 45 minutes so I'm gonna go get ready but if you don't wanna go, you don't have to.'

He shook his head quickly 'I wanna be with you so I'm going.'

My big baby.

I grabbed his face and kissed him.

'You're beautiful' He whispered to me as I pulled back.

He pulled me back in but to hug me this time while I leaned back on the cabinets. He rested his hands on the small of my back, caressing me, while I pulled him closer, my arms around his neck. He left little kisses on my neck all the way to my shoulder . I felt a smile trace it's way on my lips.

I pulled back again, gave a big smile and replied 'I love you' while hopping off the counter to go get ready.

'I'm gonna go take a shower' I told him.

'Can I join?'

Safe to say, we arrived a bit late at the party.


The party was in full swing by the time we arrived. Classmates were scattered all over Christie's lawn. Mostly drunk out of their minds, which was an indicator of the state of the party inside the house. As we were walking up to the house, I felt Corwyn tighten his hold on my hand.

Ever since we started dating, his overprotective side had been coming out more aggressively than ever before. He was very wary of other guys and how'd they'd act around me. It could be a turn on, sure, but I was just afraid one harmless interaction could set him off. I didn't like that side of him.

When we stopped in front of the door, I turned to him and kissed him to reassure him nothing was gonna happen. Anyways, we would be together all night, nothing would happen, right?

Of course, the second we stepped in we got pulled away by our respective friends. I joined Claudia and our other friend, Jason, at this beer pong. They both looked so hot in their fits. While Claud was wearing a short silk black dress, Jason was out here with a short sleeved open blouse tucked into black skinny jeans. My friends looked like a million bucks out here. My baby blue crop top and flared jeans didn't quite reach the bar here.

"So... how's it going with the man of your dreams?" Jason had asked once the three of us were seated on the floor in a bedroom upstairs. The first floor was way too loud to talk and since we had lost our beer pong game, there was really no reason to stay down there.

"He is just so... perfect. He listens to me. Like to the stupid shit I have to say. He likes hearing me play. He cooks for me. He's so good in bed." I said which made my friends laugh. "Fuck I might marry this guy." Safe to say, I was slightly tipsy, which made my friends laugh a lot. I probably looked like a sappy teen but it was true. I truly was in love with Corwyn.

I shook my head from the path this thought was putting me on- way too soon to have babies - and focused my attention on Jason, who was telling a story about the guy he was seeing, Danny.

"We met up at a café at noon ish. We talked about his university classes for a bit while he got coffee and tea for me. He paid." He said, emphasizing his gentleman-like behaviour. "And then we just drove around town and talked. It was chill really, no pressure. And we held hands the whole time. Kissed a bit too." He added cutely at the end. Claudia and I both cooed.

"And then, he took me to watch the sunset, on top of Norris hill which was fucking romantic."He sighed as he ran his hand through his jet black hair. Danny had taken him on his dream date and ended with the most beautiful view in town."And he listens to me. I rambled for an hour about you guys and how it is at home with only dad and me and about my obsession with Sylvia Plath's poems. And he listened. And he remembers. Just the date itself... it's just-- I've never liked someone the way I like him, you know?" He said looking down at his hands, his cheeks were slightly rosy. "And I don't want to get hurt."

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