Ch. 3 - Fireflies

Start from the beginning

" Because I won't let you put yourself in danger. Also, you're not like us. You can't heal as quickly." Derek explained, not looking at Y/N. Y/N nodded at that explanation but then came up with something. It was stupid, but it could help.

" What if I was like you?" Derek turned his head to look at Y/N, who was now standing up. " What if you turned me into a werewolf? Made me into another one of your beta's? Then there would be three werewolves looking for Erica and Boyd. Not two werewolves and a human that's seated on the sidelines." Y/N offered. Derek turned to face Y/N fully, to see him rolling up his jacket sleeve.

" You sure you want this? You do know it could kill you." Derek cautioned. Y/N shrugged.

" If I die, then I'll say hi to the rest of the Hales for you. As long as you explain to Scott that this was my choice, and you didn't influence me at all." Y/N promised. Derek nodded but moved him back to the couch, where he had him lie down.

" This is the painful part. Ready?" Derek asked. Y/N sighed, and nodded, as Derek bit into his arm. Y/N winced but felt warmth rush to his eyes. As Derek pulled away, the bite mark healed almost instantly, and Y/N's eyes were now glowing a bright yellow. Derek was slightly surprised at how fast Y/N's body accepted the bite. Normally, it took a newly bitten person to accept the bite a few hours before the eye color change happened.

" Now the only thing left is to figure out how to lie about your new change to Scott," Derek stated. Y/N facepalmed. He forgot that newly turned Werewolves give off a certain scent.

" You wouldn't happen to have any soap or shampoo that uses Werewolf scent concealers?"  Y/N asked, sheepishly. Derek chuckled.

" No, but we know someone who might."


" So, Deaton made a shampoo mix for you that concealed your Werewolf scent?" Scott asked, shocked. Y/N nodded. " Why didn't you tell me?"

" You kept your transition a secret because you wanted to protect me. I kept mine a secret because I knew how you were going to react. Based on sophomore year's second semester. When Derek was going around turning teens into werewolves." Y/N explained as he walked out the door. Y/N cracked his neck before he ran into the woods.

The instant Y/N was out of sight, and he couldn't hear him anymore, Scott grabbed Derek by his shirt and slammed him against the wall.

" Why did you turn my brother?!" Scott demanded. Derek sighed.

" He offered to help. I wouldn't let him. But we both know how much Y/N will push when it comes to helping family. And when he was younger, we were his second family." Derek explained.

" How?" Scott demanded.

" Because Cora and I saved him from being beaten to death. While you and Stiles were off having fun, and your mother was busy at the Hospital, Y/N was busy being beaten down by a bunch of older kids.


Y/N bolted down the street, as he avoided oncoming traffic. Right behind him, was a group of teenagers he had somehow angered. Y/N was six years old during this time, as he raced down the streets, but felt the back of his shirt being grabbed, as he was thrown into an alleyway. Before he had any time to collect himself, he felt a fist slam into his face. Y/N felt his nose move in a weird position as his head spun. Slowly, he regained his sight as he saw the oldest and biggest of the teens walk up to him. " You know what you did, right?" He asked.

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