(Chapter 1)The Beggining

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~Scarlett's pov~
"What's up guys I'm back with another video and today we are at an abandoned ghost town and I have some ghost equipment here we have the rem pod emf reader and the spirit box and other stuff anyway let me walk around the place okay" I then walked around then I saw flashlights
so I turned my camera towards it "Hello?" I called out, I decided to get closer and I saw a group of people "Sam do you think that-" A guy says then he looks at me then Sam also looks at me "Oh hey uh this is awkward um" sam then laughs a little "do you mind if we can show your face or?" Sam asks, I smile "I don't mind at all go ahead" Sam looks at the two girls "Kris, Celina did y'all get the equipment because I think me and Colby forgot them" Colby faces the camera towards me "so what's your name?" He asks, I move my hair out of my face "I'm Scarlett and I like your name by the way" Colby smiles then looks at Sam "hey brother I think she likes me" he says with a smile "hey uh we should probably get going you want to join us" kris asks me. I smile "sure" then we both walk together.

"So Sam how did you can Colby meet?" I say. Sam looks at me and sees I'm holding hands with him "Um it's a long story" he says as he laughs a little. I smile as we walk into a building so I get the equipment out and I set it up "ok so I have the equipment set up and...oh yea I forgot To mention I found another group of YouTubers" kris then jumps as she saw something at the corner of her eye, we looked at her and she looks at us "Kris you okay?" Celina askes.

Kris sighed "let's just go"

Few hours later we leave the town and I drive with Sam and Colby to their house.

I get out of the car and I walk in " Woah this is so cool!" I say Sam smiles "yea it is isn't it" I walk upstairs to Sam's room and I flop down on the bed "Imma sleep here" I said Sam walked in and smirked "well that means me and you have to sleep together" I got up and smiles "I'm fine with that" then Sam sat down on the bed and cuddled with me

I smile and wrap my arms around him,
"Hey so what you wanna do?" Sam asked me as I was almost falling asleep.
"You choose I don't mind" I said to Sam as he looks at me.
"Oh ok...you wanna call one of the roommates?" Sam suggested.
"Call? As in prank call?" I asked curiously while still looking at Sam.
"Well yea..." I the. Grabbed my phone and gave it to Sam and when he opens it he went to my contacts and saw I had a guy in there.
"Who's this?" Sam asked curiously as he pointed to phone to me.
"Oh no one um just make the call" so Sam made a call to Colby,
Then he answered the call and Sam played an audio from his phone.

"Oh hell no a scam call fuck this" Colby then hung up and we both began to laugh a lot.
I look at Sam and I rubbed my eyes as I got in bed and covered up,
"Hm I guess I'm a bit tired myself" he said as he gets on the bed.
We both faced the opposite side of each other.
I was facing towards the closet while Sam was faced towards the wall.
Then we both went to sleep,
"I love you Sam" I said quietly as I began to fall asleep.
Sam smiles lightly when he heard me say it.
"I love you to Scarlett" then he turns around and cuddles me.

After a few minutes sam was asleep and I was to.
I knew me and Sam were perfect for each other the minute we layed eyes on each other.

GHOST TOWN//Sam Golbach//SMUT & FLUFFWhere stories live. Discover now