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(Ello there here's a picture of koi I draped btw he's not in his suit sooo)

~toffee pov~

I can't believe this! That y/n would replace me or maybe I'm jumping to conclusions too quickly...
I have known her longer then this guy.. hopefully wait do I have a crush on y/n... maybe I do....
Well I will talk to her later I don't want to be seen by anyone I started walking back and cloud followed me

~end of toffee pov~

~3rd person pov~
"We have to get back before they notice" you said "yeah and we gotta hurry" he said "race ya!" You said then you started running as fast as possible then you finally made it to the stairs of the monster temple and started running as quick as possible "I win!" You said
Then you both snuck in without anyone noticing "it was very nice meeting you queen eclipsa" the king said bowing
"You too king caton" she bowed "now we must good" he said "goodbye catons!" She said and waved goodbye as they left
"Well we're not impressed! Like your daughter is half monster and your king is a monster the only normal one is that y/n but she even has no cheek marks" she said in a snoody way then you walked up to her "eclipsa is the most amazing queen you will ever know your just mad a monster is ruling because your stuck in the caveman days! And you know what you can do with you opinion you can show it your-!" You said "y/n!" She said cutting you off "well we're leaving" they said all leaving "y/n I'm glad you stander up for us but did you really have to be that extreme about it dear?" She asked "well we didn't need them anyway they are just ex mewmans who made there own kingdom because they did not liking you rule" you said "your right" she said "thank you!" You said "now I'm going to be in my room and I'm going to take off this dress/suit finally!" You exclaimed you liked suits but you had been wearing it for hours and then you went to your room

(Thanks for reading!)
(Word count: 381 words)

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