Dutch and Finn(Angst)

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These two are specifically brothers. I do not ship them at all. This fic is an angsty brother fic. No shipping. This is a follow up on my Conor and Dutch fic.

Dutch was in his bunk, his hands cupped around his mouth as tears ran down his face. His eyes were wide and his body trembled while his fur stood on edge. Dutch hadn't been the same since the death of the Neo Samurai at the military. He had been extremely anxious and prone to panic attacks constantly. Lieutenant Finn was walking past Dutch and Conor's bunk, only to hear the gasping and soft sniffles mixed with hiccups coming from within it. He turned his head to look into the room, seeing the lights were shut off so he got out his pocket light, and shined it in.. and that's when he saw his little brother in the corner of the room while shaking a lot. He ran over in a worry, before he grabbed his brother tightly, letting Dutch cry into his chest and grab onto him. "Ssshhh, it's okay, Dutch- I promise you're safe- it's okay. It'll be okay." Finn said reassuring words to his distressed sibling, hoping he would calm down in a big. He hated seeing his brother like this, it hurt his heart so much. He knew Dutch was struggling.. but he didn't imagine it was this bad..

I didn't promise the fics would be long so lmao have this short little thing.

SlendyTubbies Military OneShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora